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Bust Quotes

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On a park bench on 12th street, my whole crew’s famous, you try bust your gat and keep it rel but you nameless  (Bust Quotes) Sometimes you’re flush and sometimes you’re bust, and when you’re up, it’s never as good as it seems, and when you’re down, you never think you’ll be up again, but life goes on  (Bust Quotes) You go through your 20s sort of like a chrysalis in many ways, stretching into your own skin and trying to bust out of a cocoon  (Bust Quotes) When you get born your father and mother lost something out of themselves, and they are going to bust a ham trying to get it back, and you are it. They know they can’t get it all back but they will get as big a chunk out of you as they can  (Bust Quotes) When my nine goes buck, it will bust your head like a watermelon dropping 12 stories up  (Bust Quotes) When I was a teenager, my father went bust. He could have declared himself bankrupt, but he was an honourable man and he insisted on paying back all his debts. That almost ruined the family. I was aware that my mother and father couldn’t control things anymore. I guess I was afraid that we would end up on the street  (Bust Quotes) We face a dilemma because although everybody is better off than they’ve ever been at any time in our history, we’ve also got the biggest gap between the rich and the poor that we’ve ever had, and we’ve potentially got a planet which is going to go bust any day  (Bust Quotes) You have to manage money. Particularly with market economies. You may have a great product, but if your bottom line goes bust, then that’s it  (Bust Quotes) I like them cute, round tits and fat asses, educated so I can bust off on their glasses  (Bust Quotes) If there’s anything worse than knowing too little, it’s knowing too much. Education will broaden a narrow mind, but there’s no known cure for a big head. The best you can hope is that it will swell up and bust  (Bust Quotes) I never would just open a door and walk through, I had to bust it down for the hell of it. I just naturally liked doing things the hard way  (Bust Quotes) As an entrepreneur, you’ve got to protect against the company going bust. And as an adventurer, you’ve got to protect against losing your life. It’s even more important as an adventurer to get it right  (Bust Quotes) I always walk around with a few moves in my pocket. You never know when you may need to bust one out  (Bust Quotes) I really worry about these political people that have no personal life. If there’s nothing that’s lovely, and if there’s nothing that’s just ephemeral, that you can just lie on the floor and bust a gut laughing at, then what’s the point?  (Bust Quotes) One day I’m gonna bust, blow up on this society, why did you lie to me, I couldn’t find a trace of humanity  (Bust Quotes) Romances paint at full length people’s wooing. But only give a bust of marriages  (Bust Quotes) There’s no way I would want to hurt him or bust him up. That’s why, for the sake of the family as well as himself, I will take him out in the opening round  (Bust Quotes) On one level, going bust didn’t bother me. It was the 80s, and there wasn’t the stigma about bankruptcy that you might think. My mates weren’t bothered. My dad was in business.. he knew that it happened, too. He loaned me the money to bail me out, and I got a loan from the bank to pay him back  (Bust Quotes) If you want to know how to make people shun you and laugh at you behind your back and even despise you, here is the recipe: Never listen to anyone for long. Talk incessantly about yourself. If you have an idea while the other person is talking, don’t wait for him or her to finish: bust right in and interrupt in the middle of a sentence  (Bust Quotes) I’m trying to get hold of them... The trouble is a lot of the companies that recorded and produced the albums went bust, so I don’t know where to get the masters  (Bust Quotes) If the money’s right, I’m happy to bust up the other side of his face... No problem  (Bust Quotes) I don’t want to bust my butt for the rest of my life, like my parents  (Bust Quotes) It’s a funny thing about that bust. As time goes on it seems to get younger and younger  (Bust Quotes) Frankly, I don’t want to see a rapid upturn. I want it to hold until some of these idiotic competitors go bust  (Bust Quotes) I come to work on time. I focus on my job. I bust my scenes out and everything else kind of happens from there  (Bust Quotes) With my luck, if I ever invested in General Motors, they’d bust it to Corporal  (Bust Quotes) The bust of Colonel Sanders stands as a monument to cruelty and has no place in the Kentucky state Capitol  (Bust Quotes) My countrymen have commissioned a bust of the Republic. It will be placed on the fountain of my native town  (Bust Quotes) I’ve been trying to bust into the comedy business my whole life. It’s hard in Hollywood to do different things. I know this. It’s a struggle  (Bust Quotes) One of the beautiful and terrible things about America is you can go there and still be whatever you want, if you bust your ass and you have some luck  (Bust Quotes)
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