But Daddy, I never knew that's what you expected of me. I mean on the plus side, I've never been arrested or anything

But Daddy, I never knew that's what you expected of me. I mean on the plus side, I've never been arrested or anything
Andrea Smith had always been a daddy's girl. She looked up to her father and wanted nothing more than to make him proud. Growing up, she always tried her best to excel in school, sports, and any other activities she participated in. She wanted to show her father that she was capable of achieving great things and living up to his expectations.However, as Andrea got older, she started to realize that her father had certain expectations of her that she was unaware of. She always thought that as long as she stayed out of trouble and did well in school, her father would be proud of her. But one day, during a conversation with her father, he expressed his disappointment in her for not pursuing a career in law or medicine like he had hoped.
Andrea was taken aback by her father's words. She had never known that he expected her to follow in his footsteps and become a lawyer or doctor. She had always thought that as long as she was happy and successful in her own right, her father would be proud of her. She tried to explain to him that she had different interests and passions, but her father was adamant that she should have pursued a more traditional and prestigious career.
Feeling conflicted and confused, Andrea tried to defend herself by pointing out that at least she had never been arrested or gotten into any serious trouble. She thought that her clean record would count for something in her father's eyes. But to her surprise, her father brushed off her comment and reiterated his disappointment in her career choices.
Andrea was left feeling hurt and misunderstood. She had always tried to do her best and make her father proud, but now she realized that she had fallen short of his expectations. She struggled with the idea of disappointing her father, but she also knew that she had to stay true to herself and pursue her own path in life. She hoped that one day her father would come to accept and support her choices, even if they weren't what he had originally expected.