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Byron Quotes

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... The verses of Byron, Keats or Poe are real whether they are in bootleg form or not. You can still read them for the same effect  (Byron Quotes) Byron owed the vast influence which he exercised over his contemporaries at least as much to his gloomy egotism as to the real power of his poetry  (Byron Quotes) You speak of Lord Byron and me; there is this great difference between us. He describes what he sees I describe what I imagine. Mine is the hardest task  (Byron Quotes) Byron says that it is easier to die for the woman one loves that to live with her  (Byron Quotes) If they had said that the sun or the moon had gone out of the heavens, it could not have struck me with the idea of a more awful and dreary blank in creation than the words: Byron is dead!  (Byron Quotes) America remained a land of promise for lovers of freedom. Even Byron, at a moment when he was disgusted with Napoleon for not committing suicide, wrote an eloquent stanza in praise of Washington  (Byron Quotes) To believe in God is not hard. Inquisitors, Byron and Arakcheev believed in Him. No, believe in man!  (Byron Quotes) But that wasn’t fancy enough for Lord Byron, oh dear me no, he had to invent a lot of figures of speech and then interpolate them, With the result that whenever you mention Old Testament soldiers to people they say Oh yes, they’re the ones that a lot of wolves dressed up in gold and purple ate them.  (Byron Quotes) Lord Byron is an exceedingly interesting person, and as such is it not to be regretted that he is a slave to the vilest and most vulgar prejudices, and as mad as the winds? There have been many definitions of beauty in art. What is it? Beauty is what the untrained eyes consider abominable.  (Byron Quotes) All human history attests That happiness for man, - the hungry sinner! - Since Eve ate apples, much depends on dinner. ~Lord Byron, Don Juan, Canto XIII, stanza 99  (Byron Quotes)