C S Lewis Quotes

Text Quotes
No doubt those who really founded modern science were usually those whose love of truth exceeded their love of power (C S Lewis Quotes)
It is by human avarice or human stupidity, not by the churlishness of nature, that we have poverty and overwork (C S Lewis Quotes)
The more lucidly we think, the more we are cut off: the more deeply we enter into reality, the less we can think (C S Lewis Quotes)
There are no variations except for those who know a norm, and no subtleties for those who have not grasped the obvious (C S Lewis Quotes)
Authority exercised with humility, and obedience accepted with delight are the very lines along which our spirits live (C S Lewis Quotes)
Democracy demands that little men should not take big ones too seriously; it dies when it is full of little men who think they are big themselves (C S Lewis Quotes)
God has paid us the intolerable compliment of loving us, in the deepest, most tragic, most inexorable sense (C S Lewis Quotes)
A blessed spirit is a mould ever more and more patient of the bright metal poured into it, a body ever more completely uncovered to the meridian blaze of the spiritual sun (C S Lewis Quotes)
In the moral sphere, every act of justice or charity involves putting ourselves in the other person’s place and thus transcending our own competitive particularity (C S Lewis Quotes)
In coming to understand anything we are rejecting the facts as they are for us in favour of the facts as they are (C S Lewis Quotes)
For prayer is request. The essence of request, as distinct from compulsion, is that it may or may not be granted (C S Lewis Quotes)
How monotonously alike all the great tyrants and conquerors have been: how gloriously different are the saints (C S Lewis Quotes)
Nothing is more likely to destroy a species or a nation than a determination to survive at all costs (C S Lewis Quotes)
Lust is a poor, weak, whimpering, whispering thing compared with that richness and energy of desire which will arise when lust has been killed (C S Lewis Quotes)
One flesh. Or if you prefer, one ship. The starboard engine has gone. I, the port engine, must chug along somehow till we make harbour. Or rather, till the journey ends (C S Lewis Quotes)
The human mind is generally far more eager to praise or dispraise than it is to describe and define (C S Lewis Quotes)
There was nothing medieval people liked better, or did better, than sorting out and tidying up. Of all our modern inventions I suspect that they would most have admired the card index (C S Lewis Quotes)
Forgiving and being forgiven are two names for the same thing. The important thing is that a discord has been resolved (C S Lewis Quotes)
Badness cannot succeed even in being bad in the same way in which goodness is good. Goodness is, so to speak, itself: badness is only spoiled goodness. Evil is a parasite, not an original thing (C S Lewis Quotes)
All possible knowledge, then, depends on the validity of reasoning... Unless human reasoning is valid no science can be true (C S Lewis Quotes)
The assumption that things which have been conjured in the past will always be conjured in the guiding principle not of rational but of animal behavior (C S Lewis Quotes)
Christianity does not involve the belief that all things were made for man. it does involve the belief that God loves man and for his sake became man and died (C S Lewis Quotes)
Christ did not die for man because they were intrinsically worth dying for, but because he is intrinsically love, and therefore loves infinitely (C S Lewis Quotes)
We ought to give thanks for all fortune: if it is good, because it is good; if bad, because it works in us patience, humility, contempt of this world and the hope of our eternal country (C S Lewis Quotes)
Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal (C S Lewis Quotes)
Put first things first and second things are thrown in. Put second things first and you lose both first and second things (C S Lewis Quotes)
I wish we didn’t live in a world where buying and selling things seems to have become almost more important than either producing or using them (C S Lewis Quotes)
Besides being complicated, reality, in my experience, is usually odd. It is not neat, not obvious, not what you expect (C S Lewis Quotes)
I’d sooner live among people who don’t cheat at cards than among people who are earnest about not cheating at cards (C S Lewis Quotes)
There is no use in talking as if forgiveness were easy. For we find that the work of forgiveness has to be done over and over again (C S Lewis Quotes)