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Cacao Quotes

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Cacao has great nutritional value, a lot of protein, which strengthens a person, and without sugar it is not fattening  (Cacao Quotes) Bahia is the Amazon’s geographical next-of-kin: the same climate, forest canopy, diverse floor. But there is no wild cacao; the tree was introduced, most likely by a Frenchman, Louis Frederick Warneaux, who, in 1746, sowed seeds near one of Bahia’s large rivers.  (Cacao Quotes) I love to bake! I have a huge sweet tooth, and I love to make things like zucchini muffins, you know, anything decadent like that. And I stand by the claim that chocolate can be good for you! I love having a good piece of dark chocolate, one that’s 70 percent or more cacao.  (Cacao Quotes) Cacao is rich in happy phenethylamine chemicals called PEA. These compounds have been associated with feeling good and falling in love.  (Cacao Quotes)