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Cache Quotes

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There’s no such thing as a simple cache bug  (Cache Quotes) It's like a bear stumbling into a beehive or a honey cache: I'm stumbling right into it and getting stuck, and it's delicious and it's horrible and I'm in it and it's not very graceful and it's very awkward and it's very painful and yet there's something inevitable about it  (Cache Quotes) Turkey, unlike chicken, has very elegant characteristics. It has more of a cache than chicken. Turkey is a delicacy, so it should be presented in such a way  (Cache Quotes) On a certain level, the film retains a cultural memory. It may be meaningless to some kids, but it doesn’t matter. A lot of the 90s references will be meaningless, but do some of these kids really understand what they’re wearing when they wear a Led Zeppelin shirt? No. But, it looks cool and it seems to have some sort of cultural cache  (Cache Quotes)