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The Gentlemen of England serve under the greatest cad in Europe  (Cad Quotes) On the silverscreen he melts my foolish heart in every single scene although i’m quite aware that here and there are traces of the cad about the boy  (Cad Quotes) I would think that would be really liberating to play like a real cad or a villain or something like that, and that’s something I haven’t gotten the chance to do a lot  (Cad Quotes) This is no time to act like a gentleman. I am a cad and shall react like one  (Cad Quotes) It is sad that so many designers don’t know how to make. CAD software can make a bad design look palatable! It is sad that four years can be spent on a 3D design course without making anything! People who are great at designing and making have a great advantage.  (Cad Quotes) All I really care about is that I’m being honest and I’m real and I’m coming from a real place. There’s a part of me that’s a total cad and a part of me that’s also a family man.  (Cad Quotes)