Call Quotes

Text Quotes
Power call achieve more by gentle means than by violence (Call Quotes)
I am indeed honored to call him my friend (Call Quotes)
I think there’s always a call for people who are bucking the norm (Call Quotes)
I call that man idle who might be better employed (Call Quotes)
When you bluff, someone may call you on it (Call Quotes)
They may call me a sinner, but I am at peace with myself (Call Quotes)
We call first truths those we discover after all the others (Call Quotes)
Whom the gods wish to destroy they first call promising (Call Quotes)
Documents create a paper reality we call proof (Call Quotes)
Just vengeance does not call for punishment (Call Quotes)
I think a poet is anybody who wouldn’t call himself a poet (Call Quotes)
Savages we call them because their manners differ from ours (Call Quotes)
We call ourselves creators and we just copy (Call Quotes)
To spell out the obvious is often to call it in question (Call Quotes)
I call him free who is led solely by reason (Call Quotes)
We call them faerie. We don’t believe in them. Our loss (Call Quotes)
Whatever limits us we call fate (Call Quotes)
We call heaven our home, as the best name we know to give it (Call Quotes)
Most of those we call heroes only did what they had to do (Call Quotes)
I should not dare to call my soul my own (Call Quotes)
The religions we call false were once true (Call Quotes)
Make money and the whole nation will conspire to call you a gentleman (Call Quotes)
We make our fortunes and we call them fate (Call Quotes)
What we call public opinion is generally public sentiment (Call Quotes)
We let our blessings get mouldy, and then call them curses (Call Quotes)
That which we call a snob by any other name would still be snobbish (Call Quotes)
I was daily intoxicated, yet no man could call me intemperate (Call Quotes)
My father used to call me the laughing hyena (Call Quotes)
I call myself a meditation teacher rather than a spiritual teacher (Call Quotes)
To call you excrement would be an insult to the product of my bowels (Call Quotes)