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Adults ask questions as a child does. When you stop wondering, you might as well put your rocker on the front porch and call it a day  (Call Quotes) You can’t call any one person the devil. Because no one person has the power to be the devil  (Call Quotes) If history, philosophy and so on vanish from academic life, what they leave in their wake may be a technical training facility or corporate research institute. But it will not be a university in the classical sense of the term, and it would be deceptive to call it one  (Call Quotes) If somebody dumps something noxious in my back yard, the dumper is the last one I would call on to repair the damage  (Call Quotes) Growing up in the days when you still had to punch buttons to make a telephone call, I could recall the numbers of all my close friends and family. Today, I’m not sure if I know more than four phone numbers by heart. And that’s probably more than most  (Call Quotes) Once I’d reached the point where I could squirrel away more than 30 digits a minute in memory palaces, I still only sporadically used the techniques to memorize the phone numbers of people I actually wanted to call. I found it was just too simple to punch them into my cell phone  (Call Quotes) Those who devote their lives to serving our country, children, and neighborhoods are giving back. They have answered the call to serve  (Call Quotes) A lot of the main characters in horror movies are outsiders as well, so that outsider syndrome reverberates within horror fans and geeky collectors. It’s kind of a rallying call that brings fans and collectors together who are a little socially retarded, maybe  (Call Quotes) Listen, if you don’t talk big game, you never get anywhere. If you don’t think big, you don’t get big. Some people call it egotistical, some people call it high hopes, some people call it confidence. It’s all in how you want to dissect it  (Call Quotes) If there is one thing I have learned on this incredible journey we call life, it is this: the sign of a truly successful individual is humility  (Call Quotes) You have to expect spiritual warfare whenever you stand up for righteousness or call attention to basic values. It’s just a matter of light battling the darkness. But the light wins every time. You can’t throw enough darkness on light to put it out  (Call Quotes) Narcissism falls along the axis of what psychologists call personality disorders, one of a group that includes antisocial, dependent, histrionic, avoidant and borderline personalities. But by most measures, narcissism is one of the worst, if only because the narcissists themselves are so clueless  (Call Quotes) My whole thing is to inspire, to better people, to better myself forever in this thing that we call rap, this thing that we call hip hop  (Call Quotes) A company can spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on firewalls, intrusion detection systems and encryption and other security technologies, but if an attacker can call one trusted person within the company, and that person complies, and if the attacker gets in, then all that money spent on technology is essentially wasted  (Call Quotes) Certain kinds of intimacy emerge on a phone call that might never occur if you were sitting right next to the other person  (Call Quotes) It’s hard being bisexual, omnisexual, multisexual, whatever you want to call it, when people have their agenda and expect you to just represent their agenda  (Call Quotes) I can look into someone’s eyes and feel like I know her better, versus a phone call, where you can’t get that same type of emotion. That’s why text messaging gets you in trouble: You can’t bond, and emoticons explain only so much  (Call Quotes) A lot of people call me the architect of rock and roll. I don’t call myself that, but I believe it’s true  (Call Quotes) It doesn’t matter if you call it a boom or a bubble. The startup business moves in cycles, and what goes up will eventually come down  (Call Quotes) The best part of touring, still, is touching people’s hearts and igniting my band and igniting the people into what you call a spiritual revelation is sound and emotion  (Call Quotes) I used to blame my problems on other people. But my moment of clarity, if you want to call it that, came when I was looking in the mirror one day and just burst into tears. It wasn’t just that I looked bad, it was that I knew my problem was me  (Call Quotes) A heartsong doesn’t have to be a song in your heart. It doesn’t have to be talking about love and peace. It can just be your message. It can be your feeling. Some people might even call it a conscience, even though that’s not really what it is. It’s your message, what you feel like you need to do  (Call Quotes) What interests me is what you might call vernacular writing, writing that connects you to a place  (Call Quotes) It’s about taking advantage of the opportunities you have right now, and right now we’re in a position where you call somebody and they’re willing to pick up and take the call because they’re a fan, you have to take advantage of that and have a chance to capitalize on your ideas  (Call Quotes) It’s a blessing to be given a variety of roles to what I call an iconic action actor like myself  (Call Quotes) If you want to lose 40 pounds, you order salad instead of fries. If you want to be a better friend, you take the phone call instead of screening it. If you want to write a novel, you sit down and write a single paragraph. It’s scary to make major changes, but we usually have enough courage to take the next right step  (Call Quotes) A phone tree isn’t an ancient form of political organizing, but you have to call every person  (Call Quotes) These are the times in which a genius would wish to live. It is not in the still calm of life, or the repose of a pacific station, that great characters are formed. The habits of a vigorous mind are formed in contending with difficulties. Great necessities call out great virtues. When a mind is raised, and animated by scenes that engage the heart, then those qualities which would otherwise lay dormant, wake into life and form the character of the hero and the statesman  (Call Quotes) Is that what they call a vocation, what you do with joy as if you had fire in your heart, the devil in your body?  (Call Quotes) If I were a first rate writer, I wouldn’t mind a bit. What does depress me is this: it is so desperately hard and so obsessive and so lonely to write that, in return for all this work, one would like a little self satisfaction. And that is never going to come, for the simple reason that I do not deserve it. I cannot be a good enough writer. You see? I call it grim. But the future looks awfully clear to me  (Call Quotes)
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