Calling Quotes

Text Quotes
I’m restless. Things are calling me away. My hair is being pulled by the stars again (Calling Quotes)
A grandmother’s special calling is to pray and to be a fellow worker in the battle in which her children or her grandchildren are engaged (Calling Quotes)
... that is our calling: to show that there is a reality in personal relationship, and not just words about it (Calling Quotes)
It is not by sitting still at a grand distance and calling the human race larvae that men are to be helped (Calling Quotes)
The more scared we are of a work or calling, the more sure we can be that we have to do it (Calling Quotes)
He decided to give up his large ambition of knowledge and action for any narrow craft or profession, aiming at a much more comprehensive calling, the art of living (Calling Quotes)
If you’ve ever felt inspired by a purpose or calling, you know the feeling of spirit working through you (Calling Quotes)
Whatever your calling or purpose is, it’s your job to feel it. No gift that you have been given was made for yourself (Calling Quotes)
The nights I don’t sleep it’s because there’s a higher calling telling me to stand guard (Calling Quotes)
Fancy cutting down all those beautiful trees... to make pulp for those bloody newspapers, and calling it civilisation (Calling Quotes)
I will follow my logic, no matter where it goes, after it has consulted with my heart. If you ever come to a conclusion without calling the heart in, you will come to a bad conclusion (Calling Quotes)
And though the philosopher may live remote from business, the genius of philosophy, if carefully cultivated by several, must gradually diffuse itself throughout the whole society, and bestow a similar correctness on every art and calling (Calling Quotes)
Better to think of writing, of what one does, as an activity, rather than an identity to keep the calling a verb rather than a noun (Calling Quotes)
In no other arena is the church at greater risk of losing its calling than in the public square (Calling Quotes)
God is not calling us to go to church; he is calling us to be his church, the hope of the world (Calling Quotes)
It is the very wantonness of folly for a man to search out the frets and burdens of his calling and give his mind every day to a consideration of them. They belong to human life. They are inevitable. Brooding only gives them strength (Calling Quotes)
What a great discrepancy there is between people and the results they achieve! It is due to the difference in their power of calling together all the rays of their ability, and concentrating them upon one point (Calling Quotes)
We come into this world with a specific, personal destiny. We have a job to do, a calling to enact, a self to become. We are who we are from the cradle, and we’re stuck with it (Calling Quotes)
The person who stops studying merely because he has finished school is forever hopelessly doomed to mediocrity, no matter what may be his calling. The way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge (Calling Quotes)
From tonight onwards, take complete control of your life. Decide, once and for all, to be the master of your fate. Run your own race. Discover your calling and you will start to experience the ecstasy of an inspired life (Calling Quotes)
To learn more about science, turn off your electronic device and go outside and look around a bit. Nature is calling you. Go on. The internet will still be here (Calling Quotes)
When you are weary of praying, and do not receive, consider how often you have heard a poor man calling, and have not listened to him (Calling Quotes)
People are always calling me a mirror and if a mirror looks into a mirror, what is there to see? (Calling Quotes)
How often we all have heard speakers begin by calling the attention of the audience to their lack of preparation or lack of ability. If you are not prepared, the audience will probably discover it without your assistance (Calling Quotes)
Everybody has a calling. And your real job in life is to figure out as soon as possible what that is, who you were meant to be, and to begin to honor that in the best way possible for yourself (Calling Quotes)
Astrology is framed by the devil, to the end people may be scared from entering into the state of matrimony, and from every divine and human office and calling (Calling Quotes)
We find our calling or it finds us, and it’s a sin against the fates not to use your talent when you have it (Calling Quotes)
Society was calling to its accomplished child to come, to be taken care of, to be instructed, to be judged, to be condemned; it called him to return to that rubbish heap from which he had wandered away, so that justice could be done (Calling Quotes)
There’s no shame about any honest calling; don’t be afraid of soiling your hands, there’s plenty of soap to be had (Calling Quotes)
There is a perennial nobleness, and even sacredness, in work. Were he never so benighted, forgetful of his high calling, there is always hope in a man that actually and earnestly works: in idleness alone there is perpetual despair (Calling Quotes)