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Can Do Quotes

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We all understand situations where it’s swim or drown. Sometimes we surprise ourselves when we start swimming and see how well we can do it  (Can Do Quotes) Nobody can really guarantee the future. The best we can do is size up the chances, calculate the risks involved, estimate our ability to deal with them and then make our plans with confidence  (Can Do Quotes) History, in a democratic age, tends to become a series of popular apologies, and is inclined to assume that the people can do no wrong  (Can Do Quotes) I’ve learned that you can’t make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope they’ll panic and give in  (Can Do Quotes) They say don’t believe your own hype, but if you don’t why would anyone else? To be great you have to believe you can do great things  (Can Do Quotes) Every one of us can make a contribution. And quite often we are looking for the big things and forget that, wherever we are, we can make a contribution. Sometimes I tell myself, I may only be planting a tree here, but just imagine what’s happening if there are billions of people out there doing something. Just imagine the power of what we can do  (Can Do Quotes) I realized that whatever your path, whatever your calling, the most damaging thing you can do is let other voices define you and drown out your own. You’ve got to block them out and find that place deep inside you, shaken but still intact, and hold on to it  (Can Do Quotes) The turning point, I think, was when I really realized that you can do it yourself. That you have to believe in you because sometimes that’s the only person that does believe in your success but you  (Can Do Quotes) The longer you garden the better the eye gets, the more tuned to how colors vibrate in different ways and what they can do to each other. You become a scientist as well as an artist, with the lines between increasingly blurred  (Can Do Quotes) Believe you can do it. Believing something can be done puts your mind to work for you and helps you find ways to do it  (Can Do Quotes) If we just worry about the big picture, we are powerless. So my secret is to start right away doing whatever little work I can do. I try to give joy to one person in the morning, and remove the suffering of one person in the afternoon. If you and your friends do not despise the small work, a million people will remove a lot of suffering. That is the secret. Start right now  (Can Do Quotes) Before you can do something that you’ve never done, you have to be able to imagine it is possible  (Can Do Quotes) The secret to success is doing the best that you can do. Forget about whether you might win or lose. By working hard and practicing the skills that you need to perform, the results will take care of themselves. Being successful is about doing your best  (Can Do Quotes) About the greatest virtue a friend can have, is to be able to hold her tongue; and through this, like all virtues carried to extremity, may grow into a fault, and do great harm, still, it never can do so much harm as that horrible laxity and profligacy of speech which is a the root of half the quarrels, cruelties, and injustices of the world  (Can Do Quotes) Well, there are three things that the average man thinks he can do better than anybody else. Build a fire, run a hotel and manage a baseball team  (Can Do Quotes) Science is one land, having the ability to accommodate even more people, as more residents gather in it; it is a treasure that is the greater the more it is shared. Because of that, each of us can do his work in his own way, and the common ground does not mean conformity  (Can Do Quotes) There is one thing we can do, and the happiest of people are those who do it to the limit of their ability. We can be completely present  (Can Do Quotes) Bad ballplayers make good managers, not the other way around. All I can do is help them be as good as they are  (Can Do Quotes) I found that I could find the energy... that I could find the determination to keep on going. I learned that your mind can amaze your body, if you just keep telling yourself, I can do it... I can do it... I can do it!  (Can Do Quotes) Do not fear your enemies. The worst they can do is kill you. Do not fear friends. At worst, they may betray you. Fear those who do not care; they neither kill nor betray, but betrayal and murder exists because of their silent consent  (Can Do Quotes) I think this group of people came together in a way that they haven’t before in 2007. I’m very optimistic we can do something... I want to get there, I want to support this  (Can Do Quotes) More than anything else today, followers believe they are part of a system, a process that lacks heart. If there is one thing a leader can do to connect with followers at a human, or better still a spiritual level, it is to become engaged with them fully, to share experiences and emotions, and to set aside the processes of leadership we have learned by rote  (Can Do Quotes) If you’re aware of injustice, you can either ignore it, say there is nothing you can do about it, complain about it and not do anything, or put your energies into doing something about it  (Can Do Quotes) I can’t really do anything about the past and all I can do is just embrace the future and try to make the most of the present. So I’m really trying to do that and doing my best every day  (Can Do Quotes) The fun part of golf is the variety of shots. In football you can do anything with a ball, but you can do anything with a golf ball as well. When you hit a shot and the ball does exactly what you want it to do... that’s wonderful. It’s just great when you hit the ball well. You should always try not to make the ball cry  (Can Do Quotes) In the 8th inning you can’t hear the roar of the 9th, all you can do to hold yourself together, and trust  (Can Do Quotes) Attitude is a choice. What you think you can do, whether positive or negative, confident or scared, will most likely happen  (Can Do Quotes) When you go out on the court whether it be for the championship or just a scrimmage, have confidence that your abilities and what you’ve learned in your drills are better than your opponent’s. This does not mean you should disregard your opponent. Before taking the court for any game, you should do a lot of thinking about what you have to do to beat your opponent and what he must or can do to beat you  (Can Do Quotes) It was our duty to expand. Those who cannot or will not join us are to be pitied. What we want to do, we can do and will do, together. A glorious future!  (Can Do Quotes) I don’t think anything is unrealistic if you believe you can do it. I think if you are determined enough and willing to pay the price, you can get it done  (Can Do Quotes)
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