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Can Do Quotes

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For me, it’s interesting because I never thought of myself as an action man, but apparently I can do it, so that’s good to know  (Can Do Quotes) We’re all traveling through time together, every day of our lives. All we can do is do our best to relish in this remarkable ride  (Can Do Quotes) Sometimes I can’t believe I’m going to be 60. I always say there’s no point moaning about getting older, when there’s nothing you can do about it. But still, I do find it quite funny. I look at that number, 60, and I think, really? Me?  (Can Do Quotes) Everyone can do a character the way they want to do it, unless the director tells them not to, which isn’t very common. I like to do my characters, if it’s not specific in the script, as myself  (Can Do Quotes) Exercise free will and creative, independent thought not for the satisfactions they will bring you, but for the good they will do others, the rest of the 6.8 billion–and those who will follow them. And then you too will discover the great and curious truth of the human experience is that selflessness is the best thing you can do for yourself. The sweetest joys of life, then, come only with the recognition that you’re not special. Because everyone is  (Can Do Quotes) As actors, if we are truthful to ourselves and we know what we can do and what we cannot do and just go after it, there are possibilities out there. If you don’t try, you won’t find out if you get them or not  (Can Do Quotes) The only way artists can do things is to do it for themselves. Trying to second guess what the public wants or likes is kind of a fool’s game  (Can Do Quotes) I’ve always had the utmost respect and awe of what the lens can do and what a director can do with just a camera move  (Can Do Quotes) You look at things you enjoy in your life, but much more important is what you can do to make the world a better place  (Can Do Quotes) Acting has been the only thing so far that really gets me jazzed. It’s like my girlfriend in a lot of ways. We fight. We have a relationship, and she gets me up every morning. I’m inspired by it, and I want to one day be really good at it and see what we can do together  (Can Do Quotes) Whether you’re gay, straight, black, white, we all deserve the same rights. If there’s anything I can do to champion the cause and further it, I will, shy of getting arrested  (Can Do Quotes) All an investor can do is follow a consistently disciplined and rigorous approach; over time the returns will come  (Can Do Quotes) Fears don’t exist in isolation. They tend to rise and fall depending on what people think they can do about them  (Can Do Quotes) Government is supposed to be about how we do things together, and we can do that much more together if we use technology smartly right now  (Can Do Quotes) There’s plenty that poetry cannot do, but the miracle, of course, is how much it can do, how much it does do  (Can Do Quotes) Children are more than we think they are; they can do more than we think they can do. All they need is a vote of confidence from grownups, whom they will ultimately replace anyway. Their dream today will become the realities of tomorrow  (Can Do Quotes) It’s always been difficult for me to speak and express my innermost thoughts. I prefer to write. When I sit down and write, words grow very docile, they come and feed out of my hand like little birds, and I can do almost what I want with them; whereas when I try to marshal them in open air, they fly away from me  (Can Do Quotes) Certainly teachers themselves can do a better job of letting the world know how hard their profession is, but frankly, they have real work to do and a lot of it, so they don’t have a whole lot of free time on their hands  (Can Do Quotes) Don’t limit yourself because you are a woman because you can do exactly the same that a guy could do  (Can Do Quotes) Camera and eye are together a time machine with which the mind and human being can do the same kind of violence to time and space as dreams  (Can Do Quotes) When one player is better than you, at this moment, the only thing you can do is work, try to find solutions and try to wait a little bit for your time. I’m going to wait and I’m going to try a sixth time. And if the sixth doesn’t happen, a seventh. It’s going to be like this. That’s the spirit of sport  (Can Do Quotes) If words were adequate to describe fully what the dance can do, there would be no reason for all the mighty muscular effort, the discomfort, the sweat and the splendors of that art  (Can Do Quotes) That is what poetry can do. It speaks to us of what does not exist, which is not only better than what exists, but even more like the truth  (Can Do Quotes) And all of these writers offer me a greater understanding of what it is to be alive, and that is such an incredible thing art can do for other people. It made me want to try and get close to this strange, mysterious thing that people can do with words  (Can Do Quotes) Ridicule can do much, for instance embitter the existence of young talents; but one thing is not given to it, to put a stop permanently to the incursion of new and powerful ideas  (Can Do Quotes) There is a place that you are to fill and no one else can fill, something you are to do, which no one else can do  (Can Do Quotes) The saxophone is actually a translation of the human voice, in my conception. All you can do is play melody. No matter how complicated it gets, it’s still a melody  (Can Do Quotes) Chemists employed by the police can do remarkable things with blood. They can weave it into a rope to hang a man  (Can Do Quotes) Frame in terms of what you want to have in the picture, not about making a nice picture, that anybody can do  (Can Do Quotes) Follow your own particular dreams. We are handed a life by peers, parents and society, you can do that or follow your own dreams. Life is short, be a dreamer but be a practical person  (Can Do Quotes)
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