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Can Do Quotes

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I think if anyone tells you the odds are slim, just keep walking. Just do whatever the hell you want to do, because they don’t know what they’re talking about. When you love something, and you work really really hard at it, you can do it  (Can Do Quotes) We all have powers within us that we don’t know exist until we’re tested. There are no limitations to what you can do if you have the determination  (Can Do Quotes) It takes no effort to be ordinary. Ordinary is not even a challenge. You can do nothing and be ordinary  (Can Do Quotes) This is the first step toward understanding the process of real, lasting change: simply knowing with certainty that you can do whatever you need to do. This understanding has a dual edge: On the one hand it increases your confidence and dignity. On the other hand, it places full responsibility on you if you fail to make the change you set out to make. But this is a good thing, not a guilt trip  (Can Do Quotes) Anything that we scientists can do to weaken the hold of religion, should be done and may, in fact, in the end, be our greatest contribution to civilization  (Can Do Quotes) Sometimes it takes a while to recognize that someone has a special ability to get us to believe in ourselves, to tie that belief to our highest ideals, and to imagine that together we can do great things. In those rare moments, when such a person comes along, we need to put aside our plans and reach for what we know is possible  (Can Do Quotes) One of the most radical things you can do, is to actually believe women when they tell you about their experiences  (Can Do Quotes) There’s this privileged position of being an artist where you can do things on a more experimental nature simply to see what happens  (Can Do Quotes) Winning takes character and intelligence. It is the most important thing you can do because it’s a reaffirmation of your character  (Can Do Quotes) If you think you are working hard, you can work harder. If you think you are doing enough, there is more that you can do. No one really ever exhausts his full potential  (Can Do Quotes) There is a dance only you can do, that exists only in you, here and now, always changing, always true. Are you willing to listen with fascination? If you are, it will deliver you unto the self you have always dreamed you could be. This is a promise  (Can Do Quotes) If violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it. The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge nor jury. Therefore what he must be taught to fear is his victim  (Can Do Quotes) For me, comedy literally is way more terrifying than doing drama, so it’s always about stretching what I think I can do and putting myself out there in different context  (Can Do Quotes) The secret to doing anything is believing that you can do it. Anything that you believe you can do strong enough, you can do. Anything. As long as you believe  (Can Do Quotes) Bad things are like waves. They’re going to happen to you, and there’s nothing you can do about it. They’re part of life, like waves are a part of the ocean. If you’re standing on the shoreline, you don’t know when the waves are coming. But they’ll come. You gotta make sure you get back to the surface, after every wave. That’s all  (Can Do Quotes) Everyone can look inside his or her soul and decide what he or she can do to make a world at peace, to end this fighting that goes on every day around the world  (Can Do Quotes) Yoga is the only exercise in the world you can do at any age. There is always some posture that will improve your health, mind and soul  (Can Do Quotes) Write first. Worry about getting an agent or publisher later. Write it first. Prove you can do it and then others will listen. Tons of people talk about books they want to write. Far fewer are those who actually complete that vision. Don’t be a talker  (Can Do Quotes) Sometimes life becomes a bit difficult. There are hard times and even some little things can mess up your life. Make the best out of these moments. Don’t forget to smile. You can cry as loud as you want, but smile. Just stand up and go on. You can do everything you want  (Can Do Quotes) Let us live in peace and harmony to keep the land and all life in balance. Only prayer and meditation can do that  (Can Do Quotes) Inspiration, hunger: these are the qualities that drive good schools. The best we educational planners can do is to create the most likely conditions for them to flourish, and then get out of their way  (Can Do Quotes) I am deeply reminded that our life’s journey is a gift, not a given, and that we can never truly know how long the journey will last. All we can do is decide how it unfolds  (Can Do Quotes) Let’s don’t wait forever for our lives to start. Let’s begin them ourselves. Let’s be fearless for once and say, we can do this  (Can Do Quotes) I would like to believe that it is, and will continue to be, human compassion for other beings that will result in our giving them the protection they deserve, because of who they are, not because of what they can do for us or because some law tells us what we have to do  (Can Do Quotes) I truly believe in positive synergy, that your positive mindset gives you a more hopeful outlook, and belief that you can do something great means you will do something great  (Can Do Quotes) Changes before your eyes, things you can do and things you can’t. My attitude is always let it keep rolling  (Can Do Quotes) Things that I can do myself, I either do by myself, or teach a willing undergraduate who doesn’t know how to do those things by doing it for me. Things that I can’t do myself, my graduate students should be doing  (Can Do Quotes) His body is changing. He will strip down and start getting even bigger and stronger over the next few seasons and, seriously, how scary is that? He will be unstoppable. He has just got to realise how good he is and what he can do in the game if he puts his mind to it  (Can Do Quotes) If you plan it out, and it seems logical to you, then you can do it. I discovered the power of a plan  (Can Do Quotes) Right now I’m not fitting into the coach’s plans and so I just want to make sure I can do the best I can and improve myself and make sure I get picked  (Can Do Quotes)
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