Canada Quotes

Text Quotes
The book I made it big with in the U.S. was my fourth book, ‘Sanctum.’ My novels sell really well both there and in Canada, so once a year I do a promotional tour, visiting a different city every two days, doing book readings and signings. (Canada Quotes)
Justin Bieber’s tour bus was stopped by Canadian border patrol agents. And they found marijuana. The agents said Bieber was a disgrace to Canada and should never come back. Then they found the marijuana. (Canada Quotes)
If every hypocrite in the United States were to break his leg to-day the country could be successfully invaded to-morrow by the warlike hypocrites of Canada. (Canada Quotes)
I have been to Canada several times. It was autumn when I visited Vancouver, and I will always remember the colour of the trees in British Columbia were stunning. (Canada Quotes)
Trudeau’s contribution was not to build Canada but to destroy it, and I had to come in and save it. (Canada Quotes)
I have two homes in Malibu, a home in Canada that I’m building, and I just love pouring my heart out into this part of my life. (Canada Quotes)
Before Newfoundland joined Canada in 1949, there was the same sort of talk of young men sacrificing their lives so that a country might grow - that somehow it had been a great nation-building success for Newfoundland. (Canada Quotes)
Look, I think the worst case scenario is obvious. I think first of all it doesn’t work for very long. It’s an unstable government that raises taxes and destroys the image we’re building for Canada as a strong place to invest. (Canada Quotes)
I’ve been spending quite a bit of time in Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and the U.K. as Mint is expanding globally, and I’m personally doing much of the research and business deals to make them happen. (Canada Quotes)
I was born in Canada for a reason. It was because my parents wanted me to have the freedoms that this country offers. (Canada Quotes)
I don’t think Canada is very inexpensive anymore. I travel there all the time; it’s rather on the expensive side. I think there’s significant risk to the Canadian economy. (Canada Quotes)
We’re one of the largest employers in Canada for animation executives, and there is - I think something on the magnitude of $140 million a year be important to the Canadian economy producing animation for Netflix. (Canada Quotes)
Canada is in budgetary deficit now only because of the recession, only because of stimulus measures, and we will come out of it. We will go back into surplus position when the economy recovers. So there is no need in Canada to raise taxes. (Canada Quotes)
Mexico is the only country in the world that has a trade agreement with United States and Canada, and at the same time has one with Europe. These are the two largest markets in the world. By the same token, Mexico has one of the most open economies. (Canada Quotes)
I have a cousin who is a spiritual advisor for Native veterans in Canada, so I’m very familiar with the history of Natives in the military. And growing up as an American Indian myself, the story of Ira Hayes is one that is often told. (Canada Quotes)
There are two miracles in Canadian history. The first is the survival of French Canada, and the second is the survival of Canada. (Canada Quotes)
Canada has always been a great place for literature. It’s strong and growing stronger, and there will always be reading, and there will always be great writers. (Canada Quotes)
You accumulate political capital to spend it on noble causes for Canada. If you’re afraid to spend your capital, you shouldn’t be there. (Canada Quotes)
In Canada the cancer death rate is 16% higher than in the U.S. because of rationing of medical care. It takes an eight week wait to get radiation therapy for cancer. (Canada Quotes)
Coal is the moral choice, particularly for the developing world... The model for the world right now should be Australia. Australia gets it. Scientifically they get it, politically they get it and particularly when it comes to the United Nations, they get it. They are pulling out of this, they are repealing their carbon tax and Canada seems to be intrigued by what Australia is doing. (Canada Quotes)
America’s health care system is second only to Japan, Canada, Sweden, Great Britain, well ... all of Europe. But you can thank your lucky starts we don’t live in Paraguay! (Canada Quotes)
Canada has a real civil service, which the United States doesn’t have, an independent civil service. Canada also has a stronger federal system. (Canada Quotes)
See... What I felt they should have done, for our first public works project, is build a giant wall... across the entire border of Canada. Because that’s where the cold air comes from. (Canada Quotes)
Hysterically funny, amazingly talented people. That’s what I think of when I think of Canada. That, and cold beer. And mountains. (Canada Quotes)
I know what it’s like to live in a cold climate. I grew up in the Snow Belt, north of Toronto in Canada, and I did years and years of running outside. (Canada Quotes)
I went to military college in Canada and graduated as an officer in the Navy but also as an engineer. (Canada Quotes)
Canada is a country where the serious writers are hockey fans and readers of comic books. They don’t play chess. (Canada Quotes)
As far as sex slavery goes, in Canada, if the woman has a Canadian accent, I’m confident that she hasn’t been trafficked and forced to work as a prostitute. (Canada Quotes)
I love playing and I like traveling. I really do like playing in Canada, its not to diminish anywhere else because touring internationally can be cool. (Canada Quotes)
It is not really our country so much is the problem, it’s sort of the parasitic relationship that Canada, and France, and other countries have towards us. (Canada Quotes)