Candidates Quotes

Text Quotes
I hope that in the days to come, I’ll be able to convince my colleagues that I should be one of the candidates that Conservative party members can choose from. (Candidates Quotes)
Presidential primary debates are an important part of our political process. But the media has wrested complete control from the parties and candidates over everything, including the number, the format, the qualifications, and the moderators. And they’ve become a circus. (Candidates Quotes)
The reality is that asking the public to fund political campaigns accomplishes nothing. Candidates continue to seek interest-group support through other channels, both financial and in-kind, and corruption problems abound. (Candidates Quotes)
I see many founders waste too much time trying to work their networks and/or ultimately settle for mediocre but available candidates. You will definitely have to interview hard for cultural fit, but the best talent isn’t cheap. (Candidates Quotes)
Some businesses offer such a lousy customer experience that they are prime candidates for competition from Internet based stores. (Candidates Quotes)
The primary moral judgment on candidates and their positions is to be made in the light of their concern for protecting human life from conception to natural death. (Candidates Quotes)
Successful candidates follow a simple fundamental rule: Define yourself before your opponent can define you. (Candidates Quotes)
The Republican Party is not in the hands of the Jewish lobby in America as the Democratic Party must look quite often to Jewish money to finance candidates. (Candidates Quotes)
I believe that presidential candidates actually have a responsibility to point out substantive differences: to point out perspectives that are different. (Candidates Quotes)
If you vote for candidates who think it’s the role of the state to provide health care, don’t complain when your hospitals are as badly run as everything else run by the state. (Candidates Quotes)
Columbia Law School men were being drafted, and suddenly women who had done well in college were considered acceptable candidates for the vacant seats. (Candidates Quotes)
Preparation is based on one driving force for me and that is to be relaxed enough to be able to listen to what the candidates are saying and react appropriately. (Candidates Quotes)
Much of what Tea Party candidates claimed about the world and the global economy during the 2010 elections would have earned their adherents a well-deserved F in any freshman economics (or earth science) class. (Candidates Quotes)
The rise of the Tea Party, along with the emergence of Christine O’Donnell in Delaware, Sharron Angle in Nevada, Carl Paladino in New York and Ron Paul in Kentucky, is not the first time in American history that voters have responded to hard economic times by supporting angry, unorthodox Senate and gubernatorial candidates. (Candidates Quotes)
When I was in Grade 9, there was an election for high school president, and one of the candidates told us that if we elected him, he would abolish homework. He promised this to the entire student body from the stage in the school gymnasium. (Candidates Quotes)
Almost 100 years after women secured the right to vote in 1920 through the 19th Amendment, we still do not have equal rights under the Constitution. My question for the GOP candidates: Do you support the Equal Rights Amendment? (Candidates Quotes)
A debate has one purpose, one purpose only, and that is to facilitate the exchange of ideas directly between two candidates, and that’s it. (Candidates Quotes)
Modern candidates seem to have to live with political matters all the time. In my father’s time, a politician’s home was still his castle. (Candidates Quotes)
Candidates With Deeply Held Christian Beliefs Are Unfit and Disqualified From Serving As A Federal Judge. (Candidates Quotes)
If you are feeling overly optimistic the Republican Candidates Debate is on (Candidates Quotes)
Republicans can’t run their normal playbook on me that they try to run on Democratic candidates. They can’t say I flip-flop because I don’t. They can’t say I’m weak on defense because I’m not. They can’t say I’m weak on values because I’m not. They can’t say I’m a big taxer and a big spender. (Candidates Quotes)
Newt changed the frame of reference of all of our candidates. That’s why we won so big in 1994. (Candidates Quotes)
It’s important not to limit the amount of their own money that candidates can spend, but to give other people access to enough money to run competitive races. (Candidates Quotes)
Advocacy groups and voters are not wrong to push candidates to declare their position clearly on policy issues. That is good citizenship. Hard questions should be asked of every candidate, every politician. And those public servants should be prepared to answer, but in their own words. (Candidates Quotes)
This is nothing negative about the other candidates. It’s just a recognition of the fact that Governor Romney has won more delegates. He’s the only person that really has a chance to take the winning number of delegates into the convention. (Candidates Quotes)
Wouldn`t it be great for some of the Republican candidates to stand up to the money guys (Candidates Quotes)
I agree that the two-party system stomps on any kind of competition. A great first step is to open the presidential debates to all qualified candidates, including the Libertarians. If that happens, the Libertarian party will experience unprecedented growth. (Candidates Quotes)
I think that the candidates who are doing it [not debating] are doing a great disservice to the party. It`s a sign of an unhealthy institution. (Candidates Quotes)
I’ve always believed that government tends to screw up whatever it touches, but Obama in particular seemed different. He understood tech issues that left the other candidates bewildered. Part of it may be his age. But whatever the reason, I had real hope that he could help lead us into a new century of technology leadership and growth. (Candidates Quotes)
The final ballots represent players, managers, executives and builders who are top-tier candidates and worthy of review for consideration for election to the Hall of Fame. (Candidates Quotes)