Capital Quotes

Text Quotes
Of course, looking tough on inflation is part of any central banker’s job description: if investors believe that inflation is going to get out of control, you end up with higher interest rates and capital flight, and a vicious circle quickly ensues (Capital Quotes)
Credit markets were originally created to serve human needs; to provide businesses and individuals with capital to start or expand businesses or fulfill other financial needs (Capital Quotes)
Who shall enumerate the many ways in which that costly piece of fixed capital, a human being, may be employed! More of him is wanted everywhere! Hunt, then, for some situation in which your humanity may be used (Capital Quotes)
It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts (Capital Quotes)
Simple, genuine goodness is the best capital to found the business of this life upon. It lasts when fame and money fail, and is the only riches we can take out of this world with us (Capital Quotes)
After all, sustainability means running the global environment - Earth Inc. - like a corporation: with depreciation, amortization and maintenance accounts. In other words, keeping the asset whole, rather than undermining your natural capital (Capital Quotes)
As President Bush has said on numerous occasions, it is the government’s role to create the conditions, the friendly environment, that will attract capital (Capital Quotes)
Boston is actually the capital of the world. You didn’t know that? We breed smart-ass, quippy, funny people. Not that I’m one of them. I just sorta sneaked in under the radar (Capital Quotes)
When you study history and look at every civilization that has grown up and died off, they all leave one remnant: a major sports colosseum at the heart of their capital. Our fate can be different; but only if we start doing things differently (Capital Quotes)
Thinking should become your capital asset, no matter whatever ups and downs you come across in your life (Capital Quotes)
I was originally supposed to become an engineer but the thought of having to expend my creative energy on things that make practical everyday life even more refined, with a loathsome capital gain as the goal, was unbearable to me (Capital Quotes)
Time is really the only capital that any human being has, and the only thing he can’t afford to lose (Capital Quotes)
There never was a woman like her. She was gentle as a dove and brave as a lioness... The memory of my mother and her teachings were, after all, the only capital I had to start life with, and on that capital I have made my way (Capital Quotes)
I don’t believe in a law to prevent a man from getting rich; it would do more harm than good. So while we do not propose any war upon capital, we do wish to allow the humblest man an equal chance to get rich with everybody else (Capital Quotes)
The only irreplaceable capital an organization possesses is the knowledge and ability of its people. The productivity of that capital depends on how effectively people share their competence with those who can use it (Capital Quotes)
The ideal business is one that earns very high returns on capital and that keeps using lots of capital at those high returns. That becomes a compounding machine (Capital Quotes)
Capital punishment, like the rest of the criminal justice system, is a government program, so skepticism is in order (Capital Quotes)
What will be left of the power of example if it is proved that capital punishment has another power, and a very real one, which degrades men to the point of shame, madness, and murder? (Capital Quotes)
Spain has been massively diverting capital from the private sector into politically favored environmental projects for the better part of a decade... every green job created, eliminated 2.2 real jobs and cost around $800,000 each! (Capital Quotes)
There’s capital controls and there’s people control. So every time you think of a fence keeping all those bad people out, think about those fences maybe being used against us, keeping us in (Capital Quotes)
Learn to raise capital by any means necessary. That’s your primary job as an entrepreneur. You must continually raise capital from family and friends, banks, suppliers, customers and investors (Capital Quotes)
In todays economy, the most important resource is no longer labor, capital or land; it is knowledge (Capital Quotes)
Network marketing is the big wave of the future. It’s taking the place of franchising, which now requires too much capital for the average person (Capital Quotes)
Oil painting did to appearances what capital did to social relations. It reduced everything to the equality of objects. Everything became exchangeable because everything became a commodity (Capital Quotes)
A peculiarity of capital is that it cannot be employed productively without benefiting the community in which it is used (Capital Quotes)
Now that knowledge is taking the place of capital as the driving force in organizations worldwide, it is all too easy to confuse data with knowledge and information technology with information (Capital Quotes)
Many stock options in the corporate world have worked in exactly that fashion: they have gained in value simply because management retained earnings, not because it did well with the capital in its hands (Capital Quotes)
Faith is like private capital, stored in one’s own house. It is like a public savings bank or loan office, from which individuals receive assistance in their days of need; but here the creditor quietly takes his interest for himself (Capital Quotes)
As an investor with small capital, one should prefer businesses that have high returns on capital and that require little incremental investment to grow (Capital Quotes)
That’s the standard technique of privatization: defund, make sure things don’t work, people get angry, you hand it over to private capital (Capital Quotes)