Capital Quotes

Text Quotes
I support capital punishment. But let’s be clear: It’s a decision for each state to make. (Capital Quotes)
I’m for capital punishment. You’ve got to execute people. How else are they going to learn? (Capital Quotes)
I think capital punishment’s day is done in this country. I don’t think it’s fairly applied. (Capital Quotes)
The true, unacknowledged purpose of capital punishment is to inspire fear and awe -- fear and awe of the State. (Capital Quotes)
We don’t know if capital punishment is a deterrent, but we know that men we execute will not murder again. (Capital Quotes)
My wife runs the charity Reprieve, and so rendition, droning, and capital punishment are very much the topics of our dinner table because of that. (Capital Quotes)
I want to think that there are better ways of obviating murder than to resort to capital punishment, but I realise that this may be wishful thinking on my part. (Capital Quotes)
In case anybody asks you about my position on capital punishment, you can tell them I favor it; and if they want to know why, you can tell them this story. (Capital Quotes)
If we could do away with death, we wouldn’t object; to do away with capital punishment will be more difficult. Were that to happen, we would reinstate it from time to time. (Capital Quotes)
The captains of industry are not hunting money. America is heavy with it. They are seeking brains - specialized brains - and faithful, loyal service. Brains are needed to carry out the plans of those who furnish the capital. (Capital Quotes)
Capital, however capital may be defined, would practically cease to exist as an income producing fund, for the simple reason that if money, wherewith to buy capital, could be obtained for one-half of one per cent, capital itself could command no higher price. (Capital Quotes)
Prior to SunRun, I was headed toward a career in venture capital and then realized I wanted to apply my knowledge of finance more directly to helping change the world. (Capital Quotes)
I can’t apply $3 billion in capital to the tech industry. It wouldn’t work. But in infrastructure, education, I can make a real difference. I can change someone’s life, for the better, permanently. If I can improve a kid’s education, I can increase their salary later on and for decades. (Capital Quotes)
Globalization has changed us into a company that searches the world, not just to sell or to source, but to find intellectual capital - the world’s best talents and greatest ideas. (Capital Quotes)
There’s almost too much venture capital in India - there are issues with seed capital, but for venture capital, there’s a lot money chasing deals here. (Capital Quotes)
There are lots of ways to make money in venture capital, and there are even more ways to be mediocre. The industry has too much money and too many smart people chasing too few great entrepreneurs. (Capital Quotes)
At the worst possible moment, when your fund is down because cheap things have gotten cheaper, you need to have capital, to have clients who will actually love the phone call and-most of the time, if not all the time-add, rather than subtract, capital. (Capital Quotes)
For resourceful tech founders, finding capital is rarely a problem; making the best use of it is another story. A few years slinging pepperoni pies and chicken wings - on tiny margins and with minimal investment - might not be the worst fiscal training. (Capital Quotes)
As the chosen people bore in their features the sign manual of Jehovah , so the division of labour brands the manufacturing workman as the property of capital . (Capital Quotes)
Democracy cannot be a plaything for the capital cities. It has to infiltrate every nook and cranny in the country, including the village. (Capital Quotes)
We use American influence with Israel not to promote economic growth in the West Bank, but to try and impede Jewish - never Arab - construction in the capital city. (Capital Quotes)
I was a chief justice. And before that, I was a district court judge, handled major felonies, including capital murder cases; and I handled major civil litigation. (Capital Quotes)
I had some of the students in my finance class actually do some empirical work on capital structures, to see if we could find any obvious patterns in the data, but we couldn’t see any. (Capital Quotes)
The avowed policy of non-co-operation has been not to make political use of the disputes between labour and capital. (Capital Quotes)
As technology breaks down the physical barriers of college campuses, the extraordinary intellectual capital of the educator community is becoming available to anyone committed to learning - regardless of age, income or location. (Capital Quotes)
There is a good deal of solemn can’t about the common interests of capital and labor. As matters stand, their only common interest is that of cutting each others throat. (Capital Quotes)
Venture capital is about capturing the value between the startup phase and the public company phase. (Capital Quotes)
In the long run, your human capital is your main base of competition. Your leading indicator of where you’re going to be 20 years from now is how well you’re doing in your education system. (Capital Quotes)
It’s a finite and very competitive world. All large aggregations of capital eventually find it hell on earth to grow and thus find a lower rate of return. (Capital Quotes)
The more we progress the more we tend to progress. We advance not in arithmetical but in geometrical progression. We draw compound interest on the whole capital of knowledge and virtue which has been accumulated since the dawning of time. (Capital Quotes)