Captured Quotes

Text Quotes
I was never a big reader as a kid. My imagination wasn’t captured by books very often. It was captured more often by boys and partying and riding horses (Captured Quotes)
Generally, traditional businesses were slow to recognize the way in which legalized gambling captured dollars from across the entire spectrum of the various consumer markets, but now they know (Captured Quotes)
When I first heard John Smith my attention was captured by his sweet, earthy voice and fine craftsmanship, but what drew me in was his heart. It’s clear that he’s lived the pain in his songs and that his optimism is hope born of wisdom. That’s a rare thing and a gift to all who hear him (Captured Quotes)
Did you folks see President Bush’s State of the Union Address? How about that surprise announcement? Howard Dean has been captured and he’s in the hands of interrogators (Captured Quotes)
Yes! We finally captured Martha Stewart. You know, with all the massive and almost completely unpunished fraud perpetrated on the public by companies like Enron, Global Crossing, and Tyco we finally got the ring leader. Maybe now we can lower the nation’s terror alert to periwinkle (Captured Quotes)
Lincoln had internalized the pain of those around him-the wounded soldiers, the captured prisoners, the defeated Southerners. Little wonder that he was overwhelmed at times by a profound sadness that even his own resilient temperament could not dispel (Captured Quotes)
He issue of inequality in this country [USA], and the ways that money has captured our political system, are serious indicators of that. And climate change is a game-changer. We really are in serious trouble as a species if we stick with business as usual. We desperately need to find alternatives, and in fact we are surrounded by them (Captured Quotes)
Ben understood at last that money was one big dragon, with a billion dollars for a head, and a penny on the tip of its tail. It had as many voices as there were men and women, and it captured all who were fools enough to listen to it all the time (Captured Quotes)
There’s no one who I believe has ever captured the soul of America more profoundly than Abraham Lincoln has (Captured Quotes)
An act of kindness may take only a moment of our time, but when captured in the heart the memory lives forever (Captured Quotes)
You get into moods - like, if somebody does something to you, then you’re angry for maybe 30 seconds, or maybe 30 years. I was always interested in capturing those awful, unflattering things that everybody goes through - those hot moments, captured in ice. (Captured Quotes)
The Red Army is like a furnace in which all captured soldiers are melted down and transformed the moment they come over. (Captured Quotes)
Our tragedy is their beauty. Our pain is their art. The beatific bereavement that is our life captured on a canvas for all the world to see. (Captured Quotes)
Torture is an impermissible evil. Except under two circumstances. The first is the ticking time bomb. An innocent’s life is at stake. The bad guy you have captured possesses information that could save this life. He refuses to divulge. In such a case, the choice is easy. (Captured Quotes)
In many ways, ‘William Shakespeare’s Star Wars’ is modeled on Shakespeare’s Henry V, which relied on a chorus to explain in words the battles of Harfleur and Agincourt that could never be captured on the Elizabethan stage. (Captured Quotes)
My mother was a famous photographer for actresses, including Sophia Loren, Gina Lollobrigida, and so many. I remember I went to school close to my mother’s studio, and for years, I went to the studio after school and just watched how she captured these beauties. (Captured Quotes)
Our waterboarding program is based on the U.S. military training program... tens of thousands of U.S. servicemen were waterboarded pursuant to this program to prepare them for the possibility of being captured someday so that they would know what it felt like. (Captured Quotes)
When I am free to train and free to move, I feel like a gorilla in the jungle. Then, when there are a bunch of media obligations, I feel like I have been captured and am being kept on display. (Captured Quotes)
Being closer to the genesis of this whole period, it captured the importance of the concept of making contact and accurately depicted the paranoia of the time. It’s an excellent film. (Captured Quotes)
I haven’t talked to [Donald] Trump since he made his comments about [John] McCain being captured; now he doesn’t respect military guys that get captured. (Captured Quotes)
There are certain mystical belief systems that believe that taking pictures takes an aspect of the soul, but beyond that it’s just the idea that once you’re captured in a photograph, then a million presumptions are made of you, and you are forever frozen in that one moment, and you are perceived to be the embodiment of that moment, and that, of course, is an illusion. (Captured Quotes)
I consider myself very fortunate indeed to have created a character which has captured the imagination and enthusiasm of so many children worldwide. They are my family, and Spot belongs to them all. (Captured Quotes)
So at last the communists who piled out of the Berlin Wall and into the environmental movement and took over Greenpeace so that my friends who founded it left within a year because they’d captured it. Now the apotheosis is at hand. They are about to impose a communist world government on the world. (Captured Quotes)
To get the best picture of a captured prisoner, you have to get him just as he is captured. The expression he wears then is lost forever... The human mechanism is remarkably recuperative. A half hour later, the expressions are gone, the faces have changed. The mother with the dead baby in her arms does not look griefstruck anymore, no matter what she feels. (Captured Quotes)
I was never a big reader as a kid. My imagination wasn’t captured by books very often. It was captured more often by boys and partying and riding horses. (Captured Quotes)
Wine is drinkable sunlight. It’s the most glorious summer’s day imaginable, captured in a bottle. (Captured Quotes)
It’s great to get insight into the era of 80’s rock-n-roll via a treasure trove of photographs skillfully captured in front of Mark Weiss’ camera lens. This event is the perfect time capsule for Mark’s work finally being released upon the masses in 2012. (Captured Quotes)
Something in your eyes captured my soul, and every night I see you in my dreams. You’re all I know. I can’t let go. (Captured Quotes)
One word, that’s all you said and something in your voice caused me to turn my head. Your smile just captured me. (Captured Quotes)
I loved ‘Chicago Code;’ I watched that a lot. It was great because it really captured the city - I’m from Chicago, too. (Captured Quotes)