Car Quotes

Text Quotes
Austin sounds a little bit like Aston Martin, which is the type of car James Bond would drive (Car Quotes)
My dad used to say that living with regrets was like driving a car that only moved in reverse (Car Quotes)
I had this feeling that he and I, in this moment, were a car crash, and instead of putting on the brakes, I was hitting the accelerator (Car Quotes)
Slippery slope. I carry a spare shirt, pretty soon I’m carrying spare pants. Then I’d need a suitcase. Next thing I know, I’ve got a house and a car and a savings plan and I’m filling out all kinds of forms (Car Quotes)
Suppose I lay down on the pavement and you run over me a few times with my own car... just for old times (Car Quotes)
He looks out into the empty street, allowing me to sit in his car and just miss her. To miss her each time I pull in a breath of air. To miss her with a heart that feels so cold by itself, but warm when thoughts of her flow through me (Car Quotes)
The idea of 10 dimensions might sound exciting, but they would cause real problems if you forget where you parked your car (Car Quotes)
Remember when you were a little kid and you’d fall asleep in the car? And someone would carry you out and put you into bed, so that when you woke up in the morning, you knew automatically you were home again? That’s what I think it’s like to die (Car Quotes)
Without a doubt... the worst part of being a single woman was having to take care of your own car (Car Quotes)
Only a real asshole takes liberties with someone else’s car stereo. That’s serious (Car Quotes)
I should learn to run, to wrestle, to swim, to ride horses, to row, to drive a car, to fire a rifle. I should fill my soul with flesh. I should fill my flesh with soul. In fact, I should reconcile at last within me the two internal antagonists (Car Quotes)
I mean, I knew I wasn’t a nice person, but what did I do in my past life to deserve this? I must have hit a bus full of nuns while driving a stolen car on my way to selling drugs to schoolchildren! (Car Quotes)
Life is a train ride, and at the many stations along the route, people important to us debark, never to get aboard again, until by the end of the journey, we sit in a passenger car where most of the seats are empty (Car Quotes)
Not that I was worried about anyone stealing my car. I once had a car thief offer to get me something better for a sweetheart rate (Car Quotes)
There is a pair of snakes who have learned to drive a car so recklessly that they would run you over in the street and never stop to apologize (Car Quotes)
Do we have to know who’s gay and who’s straight? Can’t we just love everybody and judge them by the car they drive? (Car Quotes)
Let me say for the record, I am not a gangster and never have been. I’m not the thief who grabs your purse. I’m not the guy who jacks your car. I’m not down with the people who steal and hurt others. I’m just a brother who fight back (Car Quotes)
Life is a boundless privilege, and when you pay for your ticket, and get into the car, you have no guess what good company you shall find there (Car Quotes)
Caring is a reflex. Someone slips, your arm goes out. A car is in the ditch, you join others and push... You live, you help (Car Quotes)
I was born the day I got my license. When I was a kid, if I wanted to go somewhere and see things, you have to get in your car and actually go (Car Quotes)
If there isn’t a parking space out front or I can’t see my car from the window, we’re eating somewhere else (Car Quotes)
When someone is in a car accident and they’re driving at 100 mph, drunk, who’s tape do you think his listening to at that time? Think about it (Car Quotes)
When I was on acid, I would see things like beams of light and I would hear sounds that sounded an awful lot like car horns (Car Quotes)
I have an underwater camera just in case I crash my car into a river, and at the last minute I see a photo opportunity of a fish that I have never seen (Car Quotes)
You know those balls that they put on car antennas so you can find them in the parking lot? Those should be on every car! (Car Quotes)
If I was made of chocolate I would melt myself in a car to ruin the interior (Car Quotes)
If I’m ever in a weird car accident, or I commit suicide or something, after the media stops celebrating my death, could they check into it? Because I’m not suicidal. And I’m a pretty good driver (Car Quotes)
I think earning money is the simplest thing in the world once you learn how to do it. It’s like driving a car. It’s simple if you know how to do it (Car Quotes)
The state does not function as we desired. A man is at the wheel and seems to lead it, but the car does not drive in the desired direction. It moves as another force wishes (Car Quotes)
It’s us fun being a gorse when the tractor comes along, or the blacksmith when the car comes along (Car Quotes)