Car Quotes

Text Quotes
I remember one day, when things were going frightfully well, I went to buy myself a really smashing car. I asked them to show me a Porsche with an automatic gearbox, and the salesman called over all the other salesmen, and they stood around absolutely roaring with laughter. (Car Quotes)
I’ve been driving in the city for years because, as a stand-up in N.Y.C., you can perform at more comedy clubs a night if you have a car. Getting from club to club by subway is too slow at night and too expensive by cab. So, many comics live far out from Manhattan and drive in every night. (Car Quotes)
I arrived in California with no job, no car, and no money, but, like millions of other girls, a dream. (Car Quotes)
In chili’s hand were his car keys, Ray-bans and Marlboros, without which he wouldn’t leave his bathroom. Chili drank only black coffee and neat Jack Daniel’s; his suits were Boss, his underwear Calvin Klein, his actor Pacino. His barber shook his hand, his accountant took him to dinner, his drug dealer would come to him at all hours and accept his checks. (Car Quotes)
I enrolled in a race car driving school, where you go for three days, and they wanted to rent me a video camera and charge me $100 for every half-hour. (Car Quotes)
We take life for granted, sleepwalking until a shattering event knocks us awake. Zen says, don’t wait until the car accident, the cancer diagnosis, or the death of a loved one to get your priorities straight. Do it now. (Car Quotes)
I think it’s sinful to give the audience material it knows already, whether the material is about race relations or the car culture or the depiction and placement of a candy bar. (Car Quotes)
Being outside the candy store looking in is the state of people today. Whether you’re in a Pakistani village watching somebody in a car drive by, or you’re in the city of Lahore going to a restaurant and seeing somebody with a security entourage coming in... you’re exposed to people with more. (Car Quotes)
Consider the perverse effect cap and trade has on altruistic actions. Say you decide to buy a small, high-efficiency car. That reduces your emissions, but not your country’s. Instead it allows somebody else to buy a bigger S.U.V. - because the total emissions are set by the cap. (Car Quotes)
I was really sad after ‘The Avengers’ when I realized I was not going to have a part in ‘Thor 2’ or ‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier.’ But I’m not arguing with my fantastic plane and my really cool car. (Car Quotes)
The Iraqi government will try and retake some of the cities have that been captured by ISIS. That means the Shiite government dropping bombs on civilian areas, on Sunni cities. There will likely be a response with car bombings here in Baghdad, and this could be a long fight. (Car Quotes)
I don’t want to die in a car accident. When I die it’ll be a glorious day. It’ll probably be a waterfall. (Car Quotes)
I compare it to being in a car accident. There’s so much adrenaline rushing through you that you remember being in the accident but you don’t remember any of the details. (Car Quotes)
I think everyone is forgetting what plastic surgery is for - if you have a face-eating tumour, lose a breast or are involved in a car accident, then it’s a good idea. (Car Quotes)
There are relatively few things that kill people that are young other than car accidents and suicide. (Car Quotes)
My girlfriend was just killed in a car accident. Devastating. I can’t believe I’m only going to have sex with her one more time. (Car Quotes)
My mother’s sister was killed in a trolley car accident, so I was raised as one of eight with my sister and six male cousins. (Car Quotes)
A 99% Value-at-Risk calculation does not evaluate what happens in the last one percent... This is like an airbag that works all the time, except when you have a car accident. (Car Quotes)
In August of 2002, I survived a car accident. Although I can still see the van speeding toward us, I cannot bring to mind the crash itself - only its aftermath. (Car Quotes)
I want to be remembered for the work that I’ve done, rather than the car accidents that I’ve gotten into, the men that I’ve not dated - or the man that I have. (Car Quotes)
If I’m ever in a weird car accident, or I commit suicide or something, after the media stops celebrating my death, could they check into it? Because I’m not suicidal. And I’m a pretty good driver. (Car Quotes)
Amores Perros’ is three stories that interconnect in one moment, which is the car accident (Car Quotes)
Hospital-acquired infections are now killing more people every year in the United States than die from AIDS or cancer or car accidents combined - about 100,000. (Car Quotes)
If you’ve never woken up from a car accident to discover that your wife is dead and you’re an animated, rotting corpse, then you probably wouldn’t understand. (Car Quotes)
When someone is in a car accident and they’re driving at 100 mph, drunk, who’s tape do you think his listening to at that time? Think about it. (Car Quotes)
I so wanted out of this conversation, but it was like a car accident: Once you started spinning, you could only wait and see what you hit. (Car Quotes)
Honestly, I could get in a car accident today and never play tennis again, and then I wouldn’t have anything to fall back on. But fortunately enough, I do. (Car Quotes)
Today, a couple with ‘just married’ tags collided head-on with a hearse carrying two coffins in the back, both of a married couple that had previouslydied in a car accident. (Car Quotes)
There have been three times. Once I got in a car accident and shattered my finger. A few years ago I didn’t feel like being alive. That’s all I can say. (Car Quotes)
None of the proposed inter-city solutions would have offered more frequent or more affordable service than existing options like bussing. Busses can also be easily re-routed around gas leaks, car accidents, or traffic congestion. (Car Quotes)