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Being fat worked, and I think that was what was confusing for me for a long time in my career  (Career Quotes) When I began my career, I was constantly referred to as the kid who could play the blues  (Career Quotes) I realized that people make cartoons for a living. It had never dawned on me that you could do this as a career  (Career Quotes) People are afraid of things they don’t understand. They don’t know how to relate. It threatens their security, their existence, their career, image  (Career Quotes) I think it’s a bigger risk following a part that plays up your looks than it is to try and carve out a career as an actor  (Career Quotes) I would like to look back on my career and be proud of what I’ve done  (Career Quotes) My son, he is the reason I got involved. It’s been a joy to be around him and teach him the stuff that I know, and to the other kids as well. When he started playing I wanted to be involved in his hockey career. It’s a lot of fun for both of us  (Career Quotes) All I can say to the young players is, enjoy every moment of it. Just enjoy every moment of it. Your career goes by very quickly  (Career Quotes) Although it was a great accomplishment to win a gold medal, as soon as they put it on you, that’s it; your career is over  (Career Quotes) Boxing was the only career where I wouldn’t have to start out at the bottom. I had a good resume  (Career Quotes) What’s lucky about my career in general is that I stumbled into what every writer most wants. Not repeating myself and doing strange things has become my trademark  (Career Quotes) Now I am ready to set new goals and start a new career for myself outside of the ring  (Career Quotes) I attribute my entire football career, as far as getting me started, getting me interested, keeping me that way was my father. He went to every game even though he was crippled and wasn’t real healthy  (Career Quotes) I think that if you can achieve a balance, then you appease a lot of yourself and your career and what it takes to maintain in this business for a while  (Career Quotes) I know I’m happy and can’t wait to see where my career will go next. This isn’t the end for any of us. I can understand why they are upset but I want them to move forward and look for the future  (Career Quotes) There’s no amount of money that would make me decide something for a career  (Career Quotes) I was really involved with other people’s opinions of me, and it got heightened during my film career. I don’t have any opinion, good or bad about it, it just was. It’s not the way I feel now, and I think yoga has a lot to do with that  (Career Quotes) Everything I’ve been through, everything I’m about to go through in my career and my life, if my family wasn’t with me and didn’t support me, it would be really tough  (Career Quotes) I placed over a thousand deaf people in jobs throughout my career working for the deaf  (Career Quotes) A lot of young girls have looked to their career paths and have said they’d like to be chief. There’s been a change in the limits people see  (Career Quotes) For the last thirty years in my career I never know what I’m doing next  (Career Quotes) My life had no meaning at all. I found only brief interludes of satisfaction. It was like my whole life had been about my whole basketball career  (Career Quotes) Even though there’s no forum for me on the radio for the kind of music I sing anymore, I am still excited about having a career where I can sing the best music in the world, and people will come and hear me because of the hit records I’ve had in the past  (Career Quotes) When I started in films, it never really occurred to me that I could make a career out of acting  (Career Quotes) You can’t rely on luck. I’ve had some stages in my career where I’ve said we’re going to wing it, and we’ve always ended up in trouble  (Career Quotes) The peak of a career can only last so long. You go up and you try to maintain it. But, it can only last so long and then you’re going to go down  (Career Quotes) I did it for a living, made a career out of it, but now I’ve turned it into somewhat of a hobby  (Career Quotes) If I made a musical in the beginning of my career, it would have been crane shots and tracking shots and people coming out of cakes and whatever, but these techniques are something that I’ve left behind me  (Career Quotes) I’ve been very fortunate to have had the opportunities to have the career I’ve had  (Career Quotes) I have always been intrigued with singing and I actually started my career in musical comedies  (Career Quotes)
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