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I knew when my career was over. In 1965 my baseball card came out with no picture  (Career Quotes) Desire! That’s the one secret of every man’s career. Not education. Not being born with hidden talents. Desire  (Career Quotes) I’ve cheated myself: there are other things I could have done to fill out the bouquet of my career  (Career Quotes) My father died. It is still a deep regret to me this day that in choosing acting as my career I was forced to hurt him. He died too early to see I had done the right, the only thing  (Career Quotes) For most of my career I’ve been very lucky to have avoided major injuries  (Career Quotes) My parents never looked at my acting as a career. They saw it as a way to help provide for the household  (Career Quotes) I should have been trying to build a career, rather than leaving it in the hands of somebody else  (Career Quotes) My career has been a bit strange. I don’t think it took the normal route  (Career Quotes) If there’s any business that instructs you in the strong hand of fate, it’s show business. You can plan and plan, but it’s what happens to you that really determines what your career will be like  (Career Quotes) Passion has always been important to me. That won’t change. What changes in a woman’s perspective. I mean, I have two kids now. I’m a single parent balancing motherhood and my career. That changes the equation  (Career Quotes) It wasn’t on my agenda, but the thing about getting important awards is it makes the adventure of your career have a little more possibility. I think just what’s happened so far is already making the opportunities more interesting, even though I’m at the twilight of my career of like 48 years  (Career Quotes) I wanted to play a mother again. I thought it would be interesting to play the mother of an older child. And it was also the kind of part I’ve been looking for my whole career, actually, in film. You know, just to play a femme fatale who’s very smart, and wicked  (Career Quotes) Superstar was made so early in my career I had nothing to do with it at all. The first time I saw it was the opening screening  (Career Quotes) The career of politics grants a feeling of power. The knowledge of influencing men, of participating in power over them, and above all, the feeling of holding in one’s hands a nerve fiber of historically important events can elevate the professional politician above everyday routine even when he is placed in formally modest positions  (Career Quotes) I had to put my kid before my career and all the money I was making. I decided to do the right thing. I was dying inside. If I didn’t have my daughter, I would be dead right now, for sure  (Career Quotes) I really wasn’t even sure if I should continue acting. I would like try and figure out if I could be good enough to do it. It was like 10 or 12 years into my career before I felt like maybe I can do it. It was such a different time than now  (Career Quotes) For me, the money isn’t a big issue. I’m at the end of my career and I’m just happy to play  (Career Quotes) I look at what I’ve gone through in my career and I really shouldn’t be talking to you now. I should be dead ten times over  (Career Quotes) Having designed and built several clocks during my career it suddenly occurred to me that when you look at the face of a clock both hands have the same center  (Career Quotes) Serena and I have done some great career planning, and we’re playing really at the peak of our tennis right now. I think tennis has been a sport where people play this insane schedule from 14 years old, so of course at 26, it’s over. We’ve really paced ourselves  (Career Quotes) I balance family and career by doing what makes me the happiest! That for me, without question, is putting my family and kids first  (Career Quotes) It’s not necessarily about what career you pick. It’s about how you do what you do  (Career Quotes) I always wanted to play music and have it be my career and knew this by the age of 12  (Career Quotes) I think it is probably more important to attend specialized conventions for a journeyman writer than any other, but it’s useful at all stages of a career, if for nothing else, to find out how the industry is working at any given time  (Career Quotes) I was lucky enough to have the talent to play baseball. That’s how I treated my career. I didn’t think I was anybody special, anybody different  (Career Quotes) I’ve been willing to go for years without publishing. That’s been my career  (Career Quotes) The moment I’m perceived to be even a tiny bit successful, my career will go down the pan  (Career Quotes) In a way, my past gives me a little credibility. Not that anybody cares what I did nineteen years ago, but I did have a career, and a legitimate one, before I met my husband  (Career Quotes) My breasts have had a brilliant career. I’ve just tagged along for the ride  (Career Quotes) At every stage of my career, I sought out the most influential people around me and asked for their help and guidance  (Career Quotes)
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