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I would have been a disaster as a career politician. I would never have toed a party line  (Career Quotes) I don’t pay much attention to career or what other people think. I’ve always been quite arrogant  (Career Quotes) I consider myself lucky to be an only child because if I had other siblings, my mother would not have been able to take me to every audition and be so supportive of my career  (Career Quotes) Last four months were great for me, was probably one of the best four months of my career, playing unbelievable in the clay court season  (Career Quotes) U.S. Speedskating has been riddled with problems since when I started my career, and we were always able to look past that. When it came down to performing on the ice, regardless of funding issues, we were always able to make it happen. And that’s what it’s all about  (Career Quotes) I went from an innocent child to a national television star. My career took on a life of its own  (Career Quotes) At this point in my career, I don’t have to deal with audition rejections. So I get my rejection from other things. My children can make me feel rejected. They can humble you pretty quick  (Career Quotes) I have been unusually blessed in that I’ve been allowed to pursue two strands of a career that both delight me and seem to please the public  (Career Quotes) Had I not become a professional golfer, I think I would have pursued some type of career in aviation  (Career Quotes) I don’t think that I’ve had a career like anyone else’s, but there are hosts and hosts of actors whose careers I admire  (Career Quotes) I think now that I’m in the autumn of my life, and I’m getting a chance of having an overview and looking at the shape of how things happen, when things happen, why things happen, I think it was fitting that I spent most of my early career doing mask work, because I just don’t think I was that comfortable in my own skin  (Career Quotes) I try to be eclectic in my choice of films. If I’ve done anything that’s intentional in my career, it’s to try to do as many different types of characters and as many different types of genres of movies that I can  (Career Quotes) Being the son of a filmmaker, you are aware of a career as a director. You don’t think of it as just movies, but as a life  (Career Quotes) I’m my own person, and am trying to carve out a career on my own  (Career Quotes) I didn’t take the reins of my career until I was about 21, and I’ve been in charge since then  (Career Quotes) I have a career I am proud of as a child actor. I’m not running away from it or embarassed with anything I did  (Career Quotes) I went up to the top of the career ladder and I came down again, I am past all that  (Career Quotes) People have been so supportive of this career for so long, and they are still enjoying the music that I bring to them  (Career Quotes) My whole career, I’ve had an issue with always kind of being an underdog and making a big mistake when it counts and falling and having to climb back up. One moment everything will be peachy and everyone will be saying the nicest things about me and loving me, and the next minute I’m the worst, I’m evil, all these things. It’s like a fallen angel  (Career Quotes) Any article’s good. Long as it’s publicity, I think that’s all that matters. I think it’s advancement for my career  (Career Quotes) Monetary success is not success. Career success is not success. Life, someone that loves you, giving to others, doing something that makes you feel complete and full. That is success. And it isn’t dependent on anyone else  (Career Quotes) I would like to know that I was still going to be employed as a woman well into my 60s. In acting terms, a career that spans a lifetime is a very hard thing to achieve, particularly as a woman  (Career Quotes) If you don’t know your purpose, discover it, now. The core of your life is your purpose. Everything in your life, from your diet to your career, must be aligned with your purpose if you are to act with coherence and integrity in the world. If you know your purpose, your deepest desire, then the secret of success is to discipline your life so that you support your deepest purpose and minimize distractions and detours  (Career Quotes) I have been criticized throughout the course of my career for placing too much faith in the reliability of children’s narratives; but I have almost always found that children are a great deal more reliable in telling us what actually goes on in public school than many of the adult experts who develop policies that shape their destinies  (Career Quotes) Having stumbled upon a tolerable career, for the first time in my life I was actually living above the poverty line. My hunger to climb had been blunted, in short, by a bunch of small satisfactions that added up to something like happiness  (Career Quotes) I enjoy inventing things out of fun. After all, life is a game, not a career  (Career Quotes) I had been a girl of whom certain things were expected, none of them too bad: a career as a nurse, for example; a sense of duty to my parents; obedience to the law and worship of convention. But in one year of being away from home, that girl had gone out of existence  (Career Quotes) True success is figuring out your life and career so you never have to be around jerks  (Career Quotes) Literature offers the thrill of minds of great clarity wrestling with the endless problems and delights of being human. To engage with them is to engage with oneself, and the lasting rewards are not confined to specific career paths  (Career Quotes) Nature designed with a random set of genes and circumstances in which we were born. To be happy, we have to accept it and make the most of nature’s design. Are you? Goals will help you do that. I must add, don’t just have career or academic goals. Set goals to give you a balanced, successful life. I use the word balanced before successful. Balanced means ensuring your health, relationships, mental peace are all in good order  (Career Quotes)
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