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That was probably the most important fight of my career... he was this crazy guy, who acted like most adults that I knew as a kid, and I knew right away by him being so crazy and wild and quick tempered, I was gonna get under his skin and aggravate the heck out of him. And that’s exactly what I did  (Career Quotes) Growing up the son of a director has made me very aware of the various turns that a directing career can take. Sometimes your films turn out exactly as you want. Sometimes they don’t. I spent a lot of my childhood on sets. I think as a joke, my father gave me a line of dialogue in each of his films during the worst moments of my puberty  (Career Quotes) I’d rather be an adviser. I don’t wanna become a trainer because I think with the knowledge and the business sense that I’ve accomplished through my career and have credibility, why would I reduce myself down to being in a gym with a bunch of training which is not a bad thing to give advice, but I can do that with a suit and tie on and also be there when the cheques are written. I don’t wanna be there when the cheques are handed down from 3 or 4 people’s hands and then it hits mine as a trainer because 9/10 times, deductions have come out of that  (Career Quotes) Every fight can be the last one, that’s why for every fight I prepare myself like it’s the last fight of my career  (Career Quotes) Accept that no matter where you go to work, you are not an employee you are a business with one employee, you. Nobody owes you a career. You own it, as a sole proprietor  (Career Quotes) In the school of boxing that I come from, that’s frowned upon, giving up free shots, cos we know what those kinda shots do to a man’s career, regardless of whether it shows up now, or shows up when you least need it. It takes a toll  (Career Quotes) I’ve never done nudity in my whole career. I certainly don’t think now is the time to start. I don’t think it’s necessary for anything I’ve done, although I have absolutely no opinions against anyone who feels comfortable doing it  (Career Quotes) I’m not satisfied. I’m still enjoying this. I still feel like I’m in the best part of my career and I can play at a high level. This is what I love to do: playing football and winning games  (Career Quotes) Country music fans are the best everywhere and they’ve always made me feel like I’m at home, no matter what zip code I’m in. I just want to thank them from the bottom of my heart for blessing me with such an incredible career that I truly enjoy  (Career Quotes) Being a startup entrepreneur is not for everybody and it’s not the only desirable career choice. I also know that many people have families and cost obligations that don’t allow the kinds of financial risks associated with starting a company. And for others the hours, stresses and sacrifices in personal relationships are not worth it  (Career Quotes) I’ve been in a poor physical shape many times in my career and I’ve had some of my best results. My best performances happened because my mind was in the right place. The mind is definitely stronger than the body  (Career Quotes) I take pride in working very hard. You need to understand that hard work doesn’t instantly pay off. My career grew gradually and taught me a lesson every step of the way  (Career Quotes) Team members have to be focused on the collective good of the team. Too often, they focus their attention on their department, their budget, their career aspirations, their egos  (Career Quotes) Career mothers are not kidding anybody. Being a mom is the hardest job of all. You got to work to rest  (Career Quotes) Eyes are very appealing to me. I also like somebody who is interested in a career for themselves and can treat me like a normal person  (Career Quotes) One of the things I have come up against time and again in my career is the notion that because a book is easy to read it was somehow easy to write  (Career Quotes) The real pride, the real present, is your health and your longevity. My whole career, I have never done anything where competition was involved with weight loss  (Career Quotes) Injury in general teaches you to appreciate every moment. I’ve had my share of injuries throughout my career. It’s humbling. It gives you perspective. No matter how many times I’ve been hurt, I’ve learned from that injury and come back even more humble  (Career Quotes) I couldn’t get the laughter out of my head. It wasn’t career. It wasn’t even a choice. It was a calling  (Career Quotes) Building a career or a company is about living a few years of your life like most people won’t so that you can spend the rest of your life living at a level most people can’t  (Career Quotes) When you go through a significant injury and have a major career change, you truly do go one year at a time, and you don’t look past what’s going on now, because you are not sure what’s going to happen. Tomorrow is not promised  (Career Quotes) If I went by all the rejection I’ve had in my career, I should have given up a long time ago  (Career Quotes) The reason I haven’t had kids yet is because I was so focused on my acting career, hoping I could get something to break  (Career Quotes) My mother always told me growing up I had a punchable face. Little did I know she was predicting my television career  (Career Quotes) I have no friends and I never leave my house. You just have to make a choice to just refuse to be involved with things that could get you in trouble. It’s easy when you feel upset or depressed about something to want to go to a club and want to drink, but instead I just force myself to sit and feel it and deal with it, and try to grow from it, because I don’t want to go down that path. I’m one of the most isolated people in existence right now, but it’s worth it because if I wasn’t making that decision I would be throwing away my career  (Career Quotes) Having control over your schedule is the only way that women who want to have a career and a family can make it work  (Career Quotes) I’m still insecure, but when I first started acting, I was really insecure. I glared at a lot of people. I assumed everyone hated me. Somehow that scowl has turned into an acting career  (Career Quotes) If you’re lucky enough to pick what you do, that’s the greatest career you can have. Ultimately, that’s my goal: to have choices  (Career Quotes) The thing is, when I had my first success it did coincide with the end of my first marriage, and because I went on to have a very, very unhappy two years, I don’t think I equate career success with personal happiness  (Career Quotes) No one’s just going to hand you a career. I waited for years for someone to hand me one and it never happened  (Career Quotes)
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