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Career Quotes

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I grew up in the theater. I began my career at 3. That was the first time I stepped onto a provisional stage  (Career Quotes) I think you can have a whole terrific, smart career as a second and third banana and work more and have much less risk than the lead guy. But I like being the lead guy  (Career Quotes) If I’m enjoying something, I’d like to be able to just have it all. Frankly, that’s the way I’m approaching my career now. I’m a total workaholic  (Career Quotes) Oh, I think I’ve been entirely selfish with my career. I’ve done what I wanted to do, and not put myself out for anyone else particularly  (Career Quotes) I want to be remembered as an actor who put in some good work in the beginning of his career, even better work at the end of his career and slowly, successfully made the transition into writing and directing  (Career Quotes) When you think about what the odds are to have four boys to not only be able to follow in the footsteps in a basketball career but to also be good in the secondary career as far as the broadcasting, it’s pretty remarkable  (Career Quotes) I don’t know why, but in my career and in my life, I often find myself in situations where I am the only girl among boys  (Career Quotes) If acting doesn’t work out, I plan to do food photography and just eat my way through the entire world. I’m a big foodie, and if I could make some career out of it, that would be fantastic  (Career Quotes) I’ve made a career of taking roles that other actresses didn’t want  (Career Quotes) For me, the most interesting thing is longevity and sustaining a career, because that’s what’s truly difficult  (Career Quotes) Choosing writing as a career, just by itself, is a measure of not being a calculating person  (Career Quotes) I think it must be so hard to start your career with everyone going on about how gorgeous you are. To be in that bracket must be so pressurised  (Career Quotes) Right now I’m really happy with how things are going with my chess career, so I’m not thinking of doing anything else  (Career Quotes) If two of your films don’t do well, people say you’re out in the cold and your career is over. One film does well, and you’ve had the best year of your life! I don’t believe in all that’s written  (Career Quotes) Fighting is my career, it’s what I love to do, but I am taking offers and trying to expand because the more I expand myself, the more valuable I become to promoters  (Career Quotes) In my career, I’ve really wanted to sort of be a morpher and not show my own identity  (Career Quotes) Even today, you get criticized if you’re staying at home, because you’re not doing enough with your life, but you get criticized for being a career woman because you’re not raising your kids  (Career Quotes) I have been really lucky in my career, with the diversity of it. I get to play really complex people  (Career Quotes) I just know that it’s smart for my career to carve my own path and do my own thing  (Career Quotes) Obviously I’ve gone out of my way in my career to not look good, so it’s always nice to, every once in a while, get the opposite going  (Career Quotes) When I was a child, writing was the worst possible choice of a career in my family  (Career Quotes) I have written a bunch of scripts that have not gotten produced, much more so early in my career than later  (Career Quotes) Taking care of your mental and physical health is just as important as any career move or responsibility  (Career Quotes) ... if your heart and your honest body can be controlled by the state, or controlled by community taboo, are you not then, and in that case, no more than a slave ruled by outside force? What tyranny could exceed a tyranny that dictates to the human heart, and that attempts to dictate the public career of an honest human body?  (Career Quotes) I stand by every decision I’ve made throughout my career and my life, good or bad, up or down  (Career Quotes) I have experienced a tremendous amount of personal and professional growth, and I feel incredibly lucky that I’m able to make a career out of doing the things that I love  (Career Quotes) I wouldn’t sacrifice my business for no acting career because my business is something, ultimately, that I know I’m going to pass down to my kids, and that’s most important to me than anything else in the world. I can’t pass an acting career down to my children  (Career Quotes) Nothing I do is by design. It’s always the result of a happy accident. I didn’t have a career plan. It has just become the way it is. It’s all good fun  (Career Quotes) I had a really great experience so far with film acting. And most experiences from most actors, I’ve heard, are not like this. But I want a career that has many disciplines and many options  (Career Quotes) I started my career by becoming a stalker, watching women in the street, the way they greet each other. I thought if I could capture some of that expression, that depth of emotion, it will make me interesting to watch as an actor  (Career Quotes)
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