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When they’ve tortured and scared you for 20 odd years, then they expect you to pick a career  (Career Quotes) All I can tell you is that you cannot make choices in your own career, either career choices or choices when you’re actually working as an actor, based on trying to downplay or live up to a comparison with somebody else. You just can’t do that. You have to do your own work based on your own gut, your own instincts, and your own life  (Career Quotes) If people knew what made hits they’d make more of them, so to have the illusion of control over one’s career isn’t something I can even pretend to have  (Career Quotes) I admire many actors, though I don’t think there’s anyone whose career I would want to mirror sort of by the beats. What I’m really looking to do is constantly defy expectations. I’m very curious to see if you can actually have a character actor and a movie star’s career combined  (Career Quotes) Most people think in order to validate yourself as an artist, you have to write your own songs. I commend the guys that do. I’ve done it. But I also think that you can pick great songs outside that you didn’t write that can help your career  (Career Quotes) I don’t play roles everybody likes. I’d rather have a career I’m proud of. Like everyone else, I need to eat. But I’m a very unbusinesslike person, and I keep my price low. I’m not a mass product. I’m not everyone’s cup of tea  (Career Quotes) The first part of my career, how I was paying the bills was commercials. I was just doing tons of commercials  (Career Quotes) I only became a celebrity because I had a kid. Before I was pregnant nobody cared. I joke to my agent that having a baby made my career  (Career Quotes) I think at the age I’m at, it’s really hard for a film career, and I’m at a point in my life where I thought it would be a good idea to be a part of a good show and to be able to finish school  (Career Quotes) Being at the pinnacle of my career is not to turn up in some multiplex blockbuster  (Career Quotes) I’ve been blessed in my career to be able to do studio and independent films  (Career Quotes) Maybe because I didn’t have a huge film career right off the bat, I’ve been able to create something different, which is so important to me. That’s myself, my idea of who I am  (Career Quotes) As I got further into my career, as a character of color, if I was going to have the types of opportunities I felt I deserved, and continue to have them, I was going to have to start creating those opportunities for myself  (Career Quotes) A lot of hard work has to go into your career, and preparation, and being your best at all times  (Career Quotes) My whole career, I’ve tried to bounce back and forth between everything, and not get typed out. I’ve done a pretty good job of not getting typed  (Career Quotes) I think it’s become an economic necessity for people to be able to learn and grow throughout their lives, because most people can’t get through their entire career with one skill set. We have to keep reinventing ourselves  (Career Quotes) I’ve played a baseball player a few times, but in my career I’ve been blessed to have played a wide range of characters  (Career Quotes) I think all tennis players have to struggle through the early stages of their career. We start off playing tournaments and really just get by. I always had a dream to play in the big tournaments and never have doubted if it was worth it. Having to battle a little early on in my career makes it all the more worthwhile now  (Career Quotes) I realized that there was something internal that I could gain from pursuing this career as an actor. However, once I got into the business I just really abhorred what this career can drum up inside of a person  (Career Quotes) I don’t use my writing career as a vehicle to get me acting work or to write roles for myself  (Career Quotes) There’s still a massive inequality between the genders. If you look at the trajectory of a male actor’s career, there’s no hesitation or hiatus. But women after the age of 35 to 40 are rarely placed in the centre of the story  (Career Quotes) It is necessary to disassociate oneself from those who would interfere with your success in enlightenment, in your career, in your life. They are not worth it  (Career Quotes) Meditate. Inspire others. Spend time by yourself. Manage your career properly. Work at something constructive, that doesn’t injure others, and put your full attention into it  (Career Quotes) You need a job. You need a career. You need a focus. Otherwise, you will just pick up lots of strange psychic energy because you are not focused  (Career Quotes) I feel very blessed in my career to have been able to bounce back and forth between different things, television and film, comedies and some dramas, but I am, um, as long as the script inspires me and there good people, that’s it. I’m in  (Career Quotes) I’ve never really had much of a career plan, and interesting opportunities kept cropping up  (Career Quotes) Even with the sun beaming down on me I’m not sweating in my mind. I’m not sweating in my heart or in my career  (Career Quotes) I’m trying to reestablish my career and do great work and give my kids the life they deserve  (Career Quotes) Show business is fickle, and though I have been blessed with a healthy career, who knows how long that will last?  (Career Quotes) It took a long time to get to the place in my career where I could pick and choose what I wanted to do  (Career Quotes)
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