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As far as developing a career as an actress, I think it’s a fine balance between trying to just work, and also be true to yourself  (Career Quotes) Since first starting my career, I’ve grown accustomed to working with actors older than me. I’m always the youngest  (Career Quotes) I’ve always had to create my own markets and I’ve always been at a juncture in my career  (Career Quotes) I’m very much a leader in a lot of the work that I do or that I’ve done in my career  (Career Quotes) One of the hardest things I’ve had to deal with in my career is keeping my material topical even though I only release albums every three or four years  (Career Quotes) I’ve worked really hard to build up a career on my own. I turned 30 recently and it took me a long time to get the chance to make a feature film and do it on my own terms  (Career Quotes) It’s not going to be easy. It’s the earth. What creates power in your life is when you perfect your mind, your career, and your associations with others  (Career Quotes) An actor’s career doesn’t feel like just one career to me. It feels like about five or six. Because every six or seven years, you look in the mirror and you have a completely different product  (Career Quotes) I can’t tell you how freeing it is to have my own label. For the first time in my career, I have total control  (Career Quotes) I’ve spent various periods of my career being thought of as various things, various degrees of substance and ideas  (Career Quotes) I want my career to grow gradually. There’s still so much for me to learn. I’m just trying to take these opportunities to get better at what I’m doing  (Career Quotes) When someone asks about a career in fashion, I say start at the bottom. If you want to start a business, you have to know it from the ground up  (Career Quotes) I’m pretty focused on my career, and if it comes down to hanging out with somebody or learning my lines, it’s gonna be learning my lines  (Career Quotes) Readers have actually changed the way I’ve done things, changed the course of my career even, about four or five times. Just from reader feedback  (Career Quotes) First and foremost, I consider myself a storyteller. And I’m endlessly fascinated with people, with what they do and why... and how they feel about it. Which means I’m interested in romance fiction. I was drawn to it, as both a reader and a writer, at the very beginning of my career. It’s my kind of storytelling  (Career Quotes) I don’t understand how some of these young actresses are wearing such provocative, editorial items, when they haven’t even established a career yet. It’s hard to see past that. I’m not so sure that’s smart in the long run  (Career Quotes) The conventions of an almighty agency tapping you for greatness and signing you up and telling you this is going to be the next big thing; that has not been my career  (Career Quotes) My parents taught me everything and set me up for life. I owe to them all the things I’m passionate about: music, art, the people I love, my career and family life, the fact that I have children and the way that I raise them  (Career Quotes) I couldn’t get any of the ingenue roles when younger because at 5 feet 9 inches with a deep voice I was always too... genue. My career has completely happened since I was 29  (Career Quotes) My career was always full of risks one way or another, and that’s the way I like it  (Career Quotes) My career as a magazine writer was largely prefaced on the idea of curiosity, to go on adventures and weasel my way into the lives of people that I admire  (Career Quotes) I had spent my entire career not wanting to talk about weight, not wanting to deal with it, wanting to be an actor first  (Career Quotes) You will only be great at things you love to do don’t pursue a career in something you hate to do  (Career Quotes) I always had the desire to perform. If it wasn’t my career now, I’d still be doing amateur dramatics. It’s just something you love, and when you get paid to do it, you pinch yourself every day  (Career Quotes) I’ve had a long career and I want to continue to have a long career. The way to do that is not to go away  (Career Quotes) Man, people have been waiting for me to fall off my whole career. From the first time I stepped on the court. It probably made people sick to their stomachs watching my whole career, watching the things that I’ve done in my career  (Career Quotes) As a spectator, you get to watch everything, but I’d much rather be playing than watching. I’ll have time to watch later in my career  (Career Quotes) Once you get on stage, everything is right. I feel the most beautiful, complete, fulfilled. I think that’s why, in the case of noncompromising career women, parts of our personal lives don’t work out. One person can’t give you the feeling that thousands of people give you  (Career Quotes) When my mother took her turn to sit in a gown at her graduation, she thought she only had two career options: nursing and teaching. She raised me and my sister to believe that we could do anything, and we believed her  (Career Quotes) A lot of people think I had such a rosy career, but I wanted to identify that one of the things that helps you have a long career is learning how to deal with adversity, how to get past it. Once I learned how to get through that, others things didn’t seem so hard  (Career Quotes)
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