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Career Quotes

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The domestic career is no more natural to all women than the military career is natural to all men  (Career Quotes) I have been blessed in my career and I was able to afford the extra procedures and everything to have my children. Does that make me a better mother than someone who cannot afford it? No, of course not  (Career Quotes) Whether you want to uncover the secrets of the universe, or you just want to pursue a career in the 21st century, basic computer programming is an essential skill to learn  (Career Quotes) You can get famous for doing something stupid and empty, but you do something stupid and empty and you’re already famous, you lose your career  (Career Quotes) Looking back, I have to say that I’ve been fortunate to work with a lot of great people. Unfortunately, a lot of them are gone. But I look back and, yeah, I have had a really great career!  (Career Quotes) In my career? Me. I’m the boss. I’m the end all and be all. I’m the alpha and omega in that  (Career Quotes) People always ask me about career choices, though it rarely ever seems like any kind of choice. It’s just like, I really want to do something, this is what I can do, and that’s it. I’m lucky to be doing this at all  (Career Quotes) I used to scream at everybody at the beginning of my career. I’d get really emotional. I’d project all my issues about my parents and safety onto the executives, so every conversation where they gave a note was life or death and you don’t love me  (Career Quotes) I’m still not sure what pulled me into the career I chose, even though, now, I can’t imagine having done anything else. Mostly, I think I wanted to be a writer, or at least to try for a while  (Career Quotes) When you have a song on the radio your career and your life changes maybe for the better and maybe for the not so good depending on how it’s going that day  (Career Quotes) I’ve been writing about growing old for some time, really from the beginning of my career. It’s something I’m apparently hung up about and now that I am old, hopefully I speak about it with some authority  (Career Quotes) I have travelled and been pretty much a one man operation for most of my career, and I think it’ll continue to be that way  (Career Quotes) I’ve never really suffered complete and utter writer’s block, really. I equate it with sex: in the beginning of my career, I was writing five songs a week; now, I occasionally write a song. But it’s an exciting moment when it happens!  (Career Quotes) In my career, I have played a gangster, an ex cop, a journalist and a film director. Yet, the label of a serial kisser refuses to leave me  (Career Quotes) When you are working really hard and you’re really focused on your career, a lot of other things suffer  (Career Quotes) The celebrity mill is so active these days that actors can make careers out of being themselves, and I don’t know that I want to. I think I’m just figuring out how to make a career out of not being myself. It’s hard  (Career Quotes) When people talk about careers, I always feel like the connotation of a career is that you’re actually choosing things  (Career Quotes) I feel really lucky that, in my career, I’ve gotten a chance to explore a lot of different genres and kinds of films  (Career Quotes) Most people, if they’re doing really well in their career, often don’t have the right intimacy with their partner, or they’re doing great in their home life, but their finances are a mess  (Career Quotes) Art is one of the few products that is almost a totally emotional buy. It is a mystery what contributes to a person’s personal taste. However, being educated about the artist and his/her career may influence your decision regarding a purchase  (Career Quotes) Rather than listening to music while you paint, listen to the sort of wisdom that can help grow your career  (Career Quotes) It’s not always so great to be objectified, but I don’t feel I have much of a choice right now. I’m young in my career. I know I have to strike when the iron is hot  (Career Quotes) I’m trying to get away from trashing women, to be honest. I think I’ve done enough of that in my career  (Career Quotes) Much of the usefulness of any career must lie in the impress that it makes upon, and the lessons that it teaches to, the generations that come after  (Career Quotes) My art career actually began under the kitchen table. My mother wanted to get me out of her hair while she cooked, so she laid out some paper and pencils on the floor under the kitchen table  (Career Quotes) I try not to do the fantasy thing. If I didn’t get hurt, what would I be? Who knows? When I look back on my career, from the hard work I put in, I got everything I deserved  (Career Quotes) An enigma? That’s not a bad persona to have. I should probably shut up and let the mystery continue! It’s good for my career  (Career Quotes) At this point in my career I’m not concerned about the money, it’s about winning. Nothing else even matters  (Career Quotes) Everybody’s career is different. In this new age of being able to talk to the whole world at once, the possibilities are staggering, really, to be able to do things yourself. But I’ve always enjoyed my relationship with the record company  (Career Quotes) I have decided to be a poet. My father said there isn’t a suitable career structure for poets and no pensions and other boring things, but I am quite decided  (Career Quotes)
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