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I’d like to believe that achieving a leadership position is all about competency, capability and ambition, so I try not to distinguish between the sexes when it comes to giving career advice  (Career Quotes) Even when I get to the point where I am acting and performing, where I want to be with my career, I’m never going to think of anyone as lower than me. Everyone’s the celebrity of their own life, you know?  (Career Quotes) We can’t be empowered women in our career and strong women in our relationships if it weren’t for the fact that we’re healthy  (Career Quotes) Make a total commitment to your company, your job, and your career. Uncommitted people have no future  (Career Quotes) You have to have passion when you’re finding a recipe for a career. If you love what you are doing, you’ll never work a day in your life  (Career Quotes) Its a really wonderful thing to focus your life on something other than your own personal career and ambition  (Career Quotes) I was very immersed in the world. I’m very worldly. I love world. I was immersed in my career, in school, in teaching  (Career Quotes) I have found that meditation has helped me with my academic career and has given me insights into musical composition and software design  (Career Quotes) If something isn’t working out in one aspect of my career, it’s not any big neurotic, crazy phase for me, it’s just something that I accept, and that’s okay. I’m not going to keep banging my head against the wall  (Career Quotes) It had been a great career. I mean, how many guys can say they averaged two points a game in their careers? It’s too bad he’s retiring too soon. The league is going to miss him. The fans are going to miss him. A real classy person and a great guy  (Career Quotes) If you meditate you will be able to find new ways to utilize your career and the routines of daily life  (Career Quotes) If you seek enlightenment, then career is a very important idea on your agenda. Approach your career from this standpoint and you will have a very different career. You will be successful  (Career Quotes) If you are smart, you never retire. You may retire from that job you have had for many years, but you will pick up another career for yourself of some type  (Career Quotes) Pick a profession that will give you enough money to give you economic freedom. It is nice to pick a career that really taxes your mind. Use your mind in new and creative ways. You will find that your mind will develop and become stronger  (Career Quotes) If you seek to develop the mind fully, for the enlightenment process, you will benefit if your career is related to computer science, law, medicine, or the arts  (Career Quotes) It is very important that your career raises your awareness. If your career is lowering your personal power, then it has got to change  (Career Quotes) Use career to develop yourself. Have fun with it. Dedicate your activities and your career, to eternity, and to enlightenment  (Career Quotes) Career success is using your daily work, schoolwork, work in the world, work at home, as a way of advancing your mental state  (Career Quotes) As an individual learns and practices higher meditation techniques, a tremendous volume of energy and creativity flows through them. If they direct some of that energy towards their career, then naturally they will become successful  (Career Quotes) I have yet to see a career that is similar in benefit as computer science for doing the advanced exercises  (Career Quotes) I always wanted to be an actor and I’d never dreamt that not only would I be able to do this for a living, but also on top of that I’d be able to choose and steer the course of my own career  (Career Quotes) When you have passionate fans, they feel like they’re a part of your career  (Career Quotes) My career is very easy to interpret. It’s about working. I’m a working actor, so that’s how I see myself  (Career Quotes) I’ve always said that the artist dies twice. And the first death is the hardest which is the career death, the creative death. The physical death is an inevitability  (Career Quotes) I’m patient when it comes to my career, which is unlike me, but there are no stars in my eyes  (Career Quotes) I wanted to make sure that I did one movie in my career that mothers hug me for  (Career Quotes) I love the idea of renaissance. If my career is like painting a canvas, I want to have as many different colors in there as I can  (Career Quotes) My first piece of career advice is find your gifting. Find the thing that you are skilled at and figure out if you can make a living doing it  (Career Quotes) Don’t let people scare you from a career that may not net you a six figure salary. If you want to be a teacher, teach. But knowing that your salary may only reach a certain level, do all that you can to become the best money manager you can be  (Career Quotes) My whole goal in my film career is to project a positive image on the screen, that I hope people will enjoy watching  (Career Quotes)
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