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There’s not a long career span because you can’t really make money doing drag for very long the way the system was set up for so many years  (Career Quotes) I never planned my career in steps. It’s all coming at me like burglars in the night  (Career Quotes) Not necessarily in the beginning, thinking I would have a career in comedy, but I was always interested in making people laugh  (Career Quotes) In the career of a prodigy there invariably comes a time when it is compelled to relinquish being very clever for a child, and has to enter the business of life in competition with adults  (Career Quotes) I’m only interested in two kinds of people, those who can entertain me and those who can advance my career  (Career Quotes) Food... love... mother... career... Live every day to the fullest. Partake of the four basic guilt groups  (Career Quotes) It’s not that you aren’t likable. On the contrary. You are. It’s just that one wonders if you haven’t made a career out of being so likable  (Career Quotes) Corporate men and women, once divided by striking differences in opportunity for career growth, have come to share career chaos  (Career Quotes) If a man has a very decided character, has a strongly accentuated career, it is normally the case of course that he makes ardent friends and bitter enemies  (Career Quotes) Your tonal will enable you to deal with the world well, to do well in a career and interact with others  (Career Quotes) Thought is the source of all wealth, all success, all achievement. Our dominant thoughts determine our individuality, our career, our daily life  (Career Quotes) I’ve said from day one that I’ve got no problem with nudity. I’ve done it throughout my career  (Career Quotes) I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t human and tears weren’t rolling down my face and I wasn’t pissed and I wasn’t angry. There are lots of times that those emotions come out in my career  (Career Quotes) I think that I’m just on such a mission with my career that you don’t really get to stop and think about your jersey number too often  (Career Quotes) There are a lot of people who think celebrities shouldn’t complain, that the photography is just a price to pay for having this career. I guess that’s bizarre. What they don’t understand is that this is all stuff that’s really new  (Career Quotes) I don’t even trust myself in my career much less giving somebody else advice  (Career Quotes) I’m looking forward to playing some really despicable characters at some point in my career so I can branch out and stretch those acting muscles. But I wouldn’t want to do that on a regular basis  (Career Quotes) For me my big dream that I would like to achieve is for each book to be better than the books that came before, to continue to improve and to become better as a writer and hopefully to have a long career  (Career Quotes) So, you know, I think any life has in it enough material, enough points of departure, to fuel a writer’s career and that we shouldn’t worry about what we’re not but to try to focus on what we are and what we do know  (Career Quotes) My career is inexplicable to me. So far I’ve just been not getting fired despite being myself  (Career Quotes) For most singers the first half of the career involves extending one’s repertoire, the second half trimming it  (Career Quotes) I believe that a creative career is only as good as the risks that you take with it  (Career Quotes) I was told that my going to college wouldn’t be good for my career. I think that’s nonsense. It’s good to empower yourself by cutting yourself off from this business every once in a while  (Career Quotes) Being funny wasn’t a career choice growing up, it was my way out of situations; a way to survive another day  (Career Quotes) When I was in high school, I would perform every year in those plays and there was something I really loved about it. But I was completely unaware that you could sort of get into an acting career  (Career Quotes) The happiest I ever been was when I was a struggling actor. I’ve had big houses and small houses. I always had work available for most of my career. When I actually had to find jobs to make money, that’s when I was happy  (Career Quotes) I think when you work with really wonderful directors who have a really strong vision, it lets you as an artist set the tone for your own career  (Career Quotes) If you build a career on being a beautiful young woman, that’s going to be a short career. I have to establish I can act. I don’t want to have to visit the plastic surgeon every two years  (Career Quotes) You’re always looking to have a unique experience as an actor, and definitely, being punched by a puppet ranks as a singular experience in my career  (Career Quotes) You need to keep on doing things you have never done before in your career. You have to have a go  (Career Quotes)
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