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I knew I wanted to pursue a career in the theater the minute I graduated from college having not pursued it! So I went back to school and got a degree in music and began working in musical theater  (Career Quotes) All my career, I’ve said this: Critics and producers think audiences want actors that only present the silhouette and hit the points in the silhouette. What I do is too dangerous  (Career Quotes) Writing is as big a part of my career as acting is, financially and time wise. So, yeah, I love it. That’s all I wanted to do since I was young was be a writer. So that and acting are the two most important aspects of my career  (Career Quotes) I’m naturally quite lazy, and I actually think I’m lax about my career. None of my work defines who I am  (Career Quotes) When the opportunity to choreograph came up, it was nothing more in my head but an opportunity. Then it suddenly became a career very quickly  (Career Quotes) I feel like a lot of my past career was going to film school, making a lot of different kinds of movies. I made a bunch of comedies, I made one drama and I made a couple musicals  (Career Quotes) Your career and your passion don’t always match up. Plenty of talented people don’t have the careers they want. Plenty of untalented people make millions and make movies. There is a difference between determination and talent  (Career Quotes) I had always been a fatalist about my career. What was to be was to be  (Career Quotes) I wasn’t academically successful. And maybe I’ve spent a lot of my career trying to make up for that  (Career Quotes) I was a newspaper editor in high school, and I truly thought of journalism as a career. I loved it  (Career Quotes) I’m not sought after. I never get enough work. It’s the history of my career. There just isn’t anything to turn down, let me put it that way  (Career Quotes) My mom was an opera singer, and she gave up her career to raise a family. But she also taught my sisters how to sing  (Career Quotes) How wonderful it is to celebrate a 27 years career! When you moved from basket ball to music, the world of sports lost a great player, but music won a great singer. You transmit good vibrations, a wonderful energy on the stage  (Career Quotes) Life pulls at bewildered humanity in so many ways! Blessed is the woman who makes her life a career of stimulating the courage of others  (Career Quotes) Were all bloggers and punks and rebels with cameras. There is absolutely no respect for career journalists anymore  (Career Quotes) Life has been kind to me. I am happy with the love and appreciation that I have been getting throughout my career. I feel blessed  (Career Quotes) I owe a great deal of thanks to this man who will be gracious enough to say I’ve helped him with his career and comeback, but it’s every bit the opposite  (Career Quotes) I never admitted what I wanted to do for a career to anyone until I was 26. I wish I’d piped up at 18  (Career Quotes) I don’t work for production houses. I only work for good scripts and roles. If you follow my career graph, you will find that I have not given a single flop yet in my career. I am proud of it  (Career Quotes) In reality, throughout your career, you have to make yourself interesting enough for people to be waiting to see your films. In my case, people are longing to see what I come out with next. That’s my success  (Career Quotes) I have never in my career embarked on a journey towards controversy. I have never deliberately set a flame  (Career Quotes) A strong mentor can help a young woman find and advance in the career of her dreams that otherwise may have seemed impossible  (Career Quotes) Even during my career, when I read all those great things about me, it’s almost like I was reading about someone else. It’s almost like there was another person  (Career Quotes) The things that have taken place over my career have been unbelievable. I have a lot of great moments to cherish  (Career Quotes) My own career reflects a strange dichotomy between the world weve long known and the world that will become  (Career Quotes) The biggest challenge of my career, which is something that authors of genre fiction face all the time, is writing something fresh and new and at the same time meeting reader expectations  (Career Quotes) You never know how diverse your career can be. I think it’s wonderful. My life has always been the next page, not the last page  (Career Quotes) I base the roles I choose depending on the characters. That’s just how I’m gonna run my career. So if it’s a good role I’m gonna take it whether it be fantasy, or whether it be realistic or fiction, anything  (Career Quotes) I started just naturally turning into a nicer person, and it actually helped broaden and lengthen my career  (Career Quotes) My father was furious with me, absolutely furious. I’m sure he wouldn’t have been so mad if I’d have volunteered to join the army. Anything but this. He couldn’t believe it. I agree with him: It wasn’t a viable career opportunity  (Career Quotes)
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