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Career Quotes

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I think that the best career that someone can have is one that’s reflective of their personal tastes  (Career Quotes) I want to go out at the top, but the secret is knowing when you’re at the top, it’s so difficult in this business, your career fluctuates all the time, up and down, like a pair of trousers  (Career Quotes) If the career you have chosen has some unexpected inconvenience, console yourself by reflecting that no career is without them  (Career Quotes) My kids are not that interested in my movie career, by the way. My son, in particular, never talks about it. He just wants me as his dad  (Career Quotes) Politics is not my life. I have a career in radio and another career in film  (Career Quotes) You can’t buy back your respect; you can’t buy back your career. You only get one, so I don’t want to mess that up  (Career Quotes) You have to understand that crew members make movies so they’re seeing a lot of actors all the time in their career acting  (Career Quotes) A lot of times, in the beginning of my career, I put pressure on myself just because I wanted to perform so well. I just wanted to be perfect  (Career Quotes) I loved competing and winning and also wanted to continue my career for the fans, knowing they were there for me and enjoyed watching me fight  (Career Quotes) If anyone has followed my career, they know that there’s been a lot of obstacles and a lot of ups and down through my career. But day in and day out, and in the square circle, I went out there and always did my best  (Career Quotes) Well, you’ve got certain obstacles that get in your way throughout your career, but you have to be a strong individual  (Career Quotes) It destroys the soul to hear that you’re all hype, that you have no talent, and that your whole career has been contrived  (Career Quotes) I’m just looking as always for something that’s stimulating and I hope to find a good story that’s a challenge, whether it’s big or small. Or that it finds me. I don’t have like a career plan. Maybe I should, but I don’t  (Career Quotes) My whole career strategy has been to build a base so that I could take the roles I want to play. I’d hate to think that a shorter part might not be available because I was worried about my billing  (Career Quotes) The biggest mistake that you can make is to believe that you are working for somebody else. Job security is gone. The driving force of a career must come from the individual. Remember: Jobs are owned by the company, you own your career!  (Career Quotes) Community colleges play an important role in helping people transition between careers by providing the retooling they need to take on a new career  (Career Quotes) I’m going to college. I don’t care if it ruins my career. I’d rather be smart than a movie star  (Career Quotes) I just don’t believe in the basic concept that someone should make their whole career in public service  (Career Quotes) I don’t want to be an action star, an action star’s life is so short. I want my life to get longer, I want my career to get longer  (Career Quotes) I don’t believe that the public knows what it wants; this is the conclusion that I have drawn from my career  (Career Quotes) Dynasty was the opportunity to take charge of my career rather than waiting around like a library book waiting to be loaned out  (Career Quotes) I associate my motion picture career more with being unhappy and scared, or being under the gun, than with anything pleasant  (Career Quotes) However, I’m at a very comfortable place in my career and celebrity, in that I don’t have to audition as extensively as I used to for roles but yet I’m not immediately recognizable  (Career Quotes) For any of us in this room today, let’s start out by admitting we’re lucky. We don’t live in the world our mothers lived in, our grandmothers lived in, where career choices for women were so limited  (Career Quotes) I couldn’t see myself filling some definite niche in what is called a career. This was all misty  (Career Quotes) Women are capable of doing so many things these days, physically, emotionally, within relationships and career. There are so many things that women have evolved into and I feel really proud about where women are right now  (Career Quotes) The true measure of a career is to be able to be content, even proud, that you succeeded through your own endeavors without leaving a trail of casualties in your wake  (Career Quotes) There are a lot of things going on with my life right now that don’t just have to do with career. So I have a hard time making decisions about work. That’s really a luxury problem  (Career Quotes) For me, when I picture the person I want to end up with, I don’t think about what their career is, or what they look like. I picture the feeling I get when I’m with them  (Career Quotes) I had a good political career, and I have a good business career. I didn’t get the brass ring, but I did very well  (Career Quotes)
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