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I want to help with bullying because there are girls who can’t just up and homeschool and focus on their career  (Career Quotes) I wanted to have a career in sports when I was young, but I had to give up the idea. I’m only six feet tall, so I couldn’t play basketball. I’m only 190 pounds, so I couldn’t play football, and I have 20/20 vision, so I couldn’t be a referee  (Career Quotes) I am led to reflect how much more delightful to an undebauched mind is the task of making improvements on the earth, than all the vain glory which can be acquired from ravaging it by the most uninterrupted career of conquests  (Career Quotes) I want to look back on my career and be proud of the work, and be proud that I tried everything  (Career Quotes) In my career, I learned that giving your services for free gives you a good return on your investment, not just financially but morally. It supplements your personal integrity  (Career Quotes) I find trying to solve problems and save lives is far more important than my film career  (Career Quotes) My gift is that I’m not beautiful. My career was never about looks. It’s about health and being in good shape  (Career Quotes) People will pay me to feel the passion and energy I breathe into my career and creations  (Career Quotes) Your success in your career will be in direct proportion to what you do after you’ve done what you are expected to do  (Career Quotes) We want passion for our business.. workers who can interpret and execute our mission, who want to build a career, not just take a temporary job  (Career Quotes) A man finds he has been wrong at every stage of his career, only to deduce the astonishing conclusion that he is at last entirely right  (Career Quotes) My career is going to be played out year by year. Will I be here in 2004? I don’t know. The record won’t keep me here. Happiness will  (Career Quotes) As a career, the business of an orthodox preacher is about as successful as that of a celluloid dog chasing an asbestos cat through hell  (Career Quotes) Of those men who have overturned the liberties of republics, the greatest number have begun their career by paying an obsequious court to the people, commencing demagogues and ending tyrants  (Career Quotes) This is my career. I have children to raise. I have to retaliate. He butted me. Look at me. My kids will be scared of me  (Career Quotes) It’s absolutely amazing that I survived all the booze and smoking and the cars and the career  (Career Quotes) My career never suffered from my not being skinny. I never did catwalk work because I was always too big. I couldn’t get the clothes over my hips  (Career Quotes) The outgoing and spontaneous person that the world knew while I was boxing was a persona that I created to sell tickets and promote my career. In my private life, I am quiet and reflective by nature  (Career Quotes) The photographer’s intentions do not determine the meaning of a photograph, which will have its own career, blown by the whims and loyalties of the diverse communities that have use for it  (Career Quotes) Most of the founders of this country had day jobs for years. They were not career politicians... We need leaders with experience in the real world, not experience in the phony world of politics  (Career Quotes) Whatever one does for a living, three questions need to be confronted before it is too late: What really matters to me? What price do my spouse and kids pay for my career success? What price does my soul pay?  (Career Quotes) God is much more concerned about your character than your career, because you will take your character into eternity, but not your career  (Career Quotes) Ask, could my gifts, education, career, or experience be used to spread the gospel where it’s needed most?  (Career Quotes) You build a successful career, regardless of your field of endeavor, by the dozens of little things you do on and off the job  (Career Quotes) It has been the political career of this man to begin with hypocrisy, proceed with arrogance, and finish with contempt  (Career Quotes) An artist’s career doesn’t happen in the cycle of one week of news. An artist’s career happens in a lifetime, and if you’re a true artist you’re willing to die for what you believe in  (Career Quotes) A career is a portfolio of projects that teach you new skills, gain you new expertise, develop new capabilities, grow your colleague set, and constantly reinvent you as a brand  (Career Quotes) It’s perhaps easier now than ever before to make a good living; it’s perhaps harder than ever before to stay calm, to be free of career anxiety  (Career Quotes) I don’t want somebody sucking up to me because they think I am going to help their career. I want them sucking up to me because they genuinely love me  (Career Quotes) If you don’t encounter setbacks in your career, if you don’t have doubts and disappointments, let me tell you, you’re not dreaming big enough  (Career Quotes)
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