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Career Quotes

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I got my family here and my career here and I’m sitting here in the middle, and I’m stuck. So I have to do something, you know, have to reach out and get some help  (Career Quotes) I’ve been in this business for a long time at my age, I’ve just turned 30, and I feel like my wife’s career is going incredibly well, my kids are happy and healthy in schools, we’ve both been able to buy a house for our parents, respectively, in the places they live  (Career Quotes) During my career several people have tried to push me out the door... Nobody has succeeded yet  (Career Quotes) In my career quite a few people have tried to force me out, but so far no one has succeeded  (Career Quotes) I’m at the stage of my career when it’s not only about winning and developing players, it’s about having fun. That’s a void in your life right now, but it’s something you’re going to have here  (Career Quotes) If you apply reason and logic to this career of mine, you’re not going to get very far. You simply won’t. The journey has been incredible from its beginning. So much of life, it seems to me, is determined by pure randomness  (Career Quotes) I am being embezzled by a monstrous ring of accountants, estate planners and lawyers who are mercilessly slandering me and trying to kill my career and, I believe, murder me in order to gain control of my royalties  (Career Quotes) Many of my emails have been maliciously taken out of context, another effort by those assaulting my career  (Career Quotes) These girls come; they last one season; they’re completely used up and dried out and sent back home. That’s not how to make a life. I want a girl to come in knowing full well what she’s getting into and being able to deal and make decisions that will create a career  (Career Quotes) I like what it is to sing, or to be with the others singing, to make music, but the fuss and all the things that are the exterior part of a career, has never interested me  (Career Quotes) I decided that my means were sufficient to enable me to devote myself to botany, a determination which I never, during the long period of my subsequent career, had on any occasion any reason to repent of  (Career Quotes) I got the role I loved the most at a point in my career when most women are being phased out  (Career Quotes) When you are in this business and this career, it’s hard for any one thing to engulf you  (Career Quotes) Nothing is a career move. Everything I’ve done this year has so not been a career move  (Career Quotes) I think it’s been confusing for people because I haven’t had a linear career  (Career Quotes) Until this movie I have played a boxer, a cowboy, a knight, a prince, an elf and a pirate. I am so glad to have done all of that already, and am ready for this phase of my career  (Career Quotes) Like any parents, mine wanted me to have a secure job with a regular wage and career prospects. and the one job my father knew of, that he’d had experience of himself, was the army, so he could help me in that direction  (Career Quotes) In terms of my career, I am glad about the steps and moves that I have made  (Career Quotes) Any first lady can do whatever they want to do. In this country, people expect them to work on whatever they want or to have a career of their own  (Career Quotes) I am not unhappy that my contribution was not recognized. I am sure it helped my career  (Career Quotes) Many of our nation’s great leaders began their careers at a service academy. I encourage anyone interested in a rewarding college experience or military career to apply as soon as possible  (Career Quotes) Eventually I lost the idea that I could have a career. I thought I was too old  (Career Quotes) That pesky acting career has always gotten in the way of me doing something with music  (Career Quotes) A retired teacher paid $62,000 towards her pension and nothing, yes nothing, for full family medical, dental and vision coverage over her entire career. What will we pay her? $1. 4 million in pension benefits and another $215,000 in health care benefit premiums over her lifetime  (Career Quotes) In time your relatives will come to accept the idea that a career is as important to you as your family. Of course, in time the polar ice cap will melt  (Career Quotes) Throughout my career, when I was finished with the drawing for one film I would go up to the story department and help develop sequences. Sometimes these were for scenes that I would animate later on  (Career Quotes) I was very strongly influenced by women’s magazines and I really believed tha a woman could not be married and raise a family and have a successful career all at the same time  (Career Quotes) If I had my career to play over, one thing I’d do differently is swing more. Those 1, 200 walks I got, nobody remembers them  (Career Quotes) The early part of my career I really struggled, getting turned down again and again. I was in debt, and it was horrible. And then my family hit such highs in their careers, I asked myself what I was thinking going into the same profession  (Career Quotes) They do say that the profession gets increasingly difficult, but my career seems to have been inside out. I’m playing the biggest parts now that I’m older. That’s probably right, because I wasn’t ready for them before  (Career Quotes)
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