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Career Quotes

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I was looking at making a shift in my career. I’ve been so blessed I’d like to be able to give that back. If I could find young artists, young performers I can nurture to have a career I would really like that  (Career Quotes) When she became very ill with heart trouble, I saw that it would be impossible for my parents to provide for my studies, and I obtained their permission to go to sea to make a career for myself there  (Career Quotes) This is not a change of career for me. Just an expansion of it. I have contracts and obligations and business partners who are counting on me. and I would only want to do another movie if it’s as good as this one  (Career Quotes) The thing is, I wasn’t surrounded by lots of people who were helping me build a career  (Career Quotes) I’ve always lived my gymnastics career with a lot of passion and a lot of purpose  (Career Quotes) The only way I’d have gone was if it would better my career, I would not have gone just for the money. The point was to go to a club that could win trophies  (Career Quotes) We try and stay out of the corporate side of it. The band has never compromised. At some point in our career we could have made a certain type of record and sold millions of units, as they are called  (Career Quotes) You just try to absorb as much as you can from someone who has won as many races and championships as he has. Career wise, he’s been the greatest thing that’s happened to me  (Career Quotes) Somewhere along the line, bob said I’d better begin taking this business seriously, because, whether I liked it or not, I had a career  (Career Quotes) There’s not really a choice about, am I going to pursue a typical career? Because I’m not the typical standard, so that’s not even an option  (Career Quotes) You want the best for your kid, but everybody’s career is completely different in this industry  (Career Quotes) I think the kind of career I’ve had, something would have had to be sacrificed  (Career Quotes) I’m not totally altruistic. I’ve always had great career ambitions. But it has to come out in an organic way. If you push yourself out beyond where you are supposed to be, there’s this pressure  (Career Quotes) I really want to make this the last stop of my career. I don’t want to be a vagabond, so to speak, and be traveling from team to team, year in and year out. I’m not that type of guy. I like to be settled  (Career Quotes) Our career path has tended to be the most perverse and contrary approach to the entertainment industry imaginable, while at the same time doing the kinds of things that you have to do, the videos, the photos and all that sort of stuff  (Career Quotes) These people are headstrong and if they feel the curb loosed but one link they will with bit in the teeth in one month run further out of the career of good order than they will be brought back in three months  (Career Quotes) Getting stopped for drunk driving in those days might mean that your entire career was over then. Not today  (Career Quotes) So many have been growing with us from the very beginning of our career. Others are brand new to us  (Career Quotes) Balancing my film career and my music will be something I’m just going to have to deal with, as it happens. I think I can balance it out; the choices will probably be pretty clear. If there’s a movie I just have to do, I will work the music around it  (Career Quotes) There is nothing more important in my life than being a father. I will never allow any of my career choices or aspirations to threaten this bond  (Career Quotes) I appreciate the idea that anybody would think of me as a star. But I’m really not career oriented in the sense that I want to be a star. It’s not in me. It’s not what I do. In fact, I’m amazed that I’ve even gotten this far  (Career Quotes) The career of a politician mainly consists in making one part of the nation do what it does not want to do, in order to please and satisfy the other part of the nation  (Career Quotes) If it was really successful, it was a life calling, a career I was excited about doing, so I didn’t think the overall risk was anywhere near as high as what the reward was  (Career Quotes) The only woman I have played in my career was my wife and I beat her easily! But she wasn’t much good  (Career Quotes) I don’t think I could have ever had a career as a pianist because I never ever wanted to play the notes the way they were written, I was too sloppy to learn them quite right  (Career Quotes) The success my children have had has helped me immensely. I’ve showed them a certain respect for this career  (Career Quotes) Learn it well in your head, know it well, pick things you know and bring the old you and all the experience you have from singing these various kinds of feelings that are still related to what I have done in the rest of my career  (Career Quotes) I did not win and in fact I was called into the principal’s office for a consultation with my parents. But that was the beginning of my literary career  (Career Quotes) I hope the cooks who are working for me now are getting that kind of experience so they can use what they’re learning now as a foundation for a great career  (Career Quotes) Well, first of all, they’re all about the music and all I care about in my professional career is the music  (Career Quotes)
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