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Fortunately for me I was able to do well here, and it really did great things for my career and now hopefully I can go out there and continue to do what I did  (Career Quotes) Career is too pompous a word. It was a job, and I have always felt privileged to be paid for what I love doing  (Career Quotes) You’ve got to be a little vicious. You’ve got to be narcissistic. You’ve got to be on fire about your career  (Career Quotes) If I had my career over again? Maybe I’d say to myself, speed it up a little  (Career Quotes) And I mean, I’m established. So I’m not worried about having a hit at this point in my career  (Career Quotes) It would be nice if you have a hit. But I don’t think it’s necessary to continue with my career at this point  (Career Quotes) My whole career is based on taking a left turn after each film and doing the opposite of what I’ve just done  (Career Quotes) I resented that my career wasn’t going the way that it was supposed to. and I was angry that I wasn’t getting the parts that I wanted  (Career Quotes) Well no administration ever wants an independent overseer, and there are very good career people who are in charge of this investigation, but it could get hairy  (Career Quotes) People said, that’s great for your career, but what have you done? I kept feeling I had to defend myself  (Career Quotes) What upset me the most was not that I would die, but that I was letting down my parents. I felt very guilty for chasing this dream career of mine, at the expense of my parents  (Career Quotes) If you have real passion for a career in game shows, be willing to serve an apprenticeship; it’s the best way to learn  (Career Quotes) I try to treat each evening and weekend as little slices of retirement because no one is guaranteed a lengthy one at the end of their career  (Career Quotes) My career is one of the few that started at the absolute top and then worked its way down. That was lonely  (Career Quotes) As I advanced in my career in librarianship, I have been a woman in a man’s world. However, this issue has not been an important factor in my thinking  (Career Quotes) I used to believe that if my career was going great, then I was not entitled to a great personal life. Well, I’ve stopped thinking that way. I believe I can have it all  (Career Quotes) My family means more to me than the artificial trappings of my career. If ever I had to choose between my career and my family, the wife and kids would definitely come out on top  (Career Quotes) Roger doesn’t have the right at present to tell me what to do with my life, although he believes that he does. and he’ll not ruin my career, although lately he’s been trying to  (Career Quotes) The way to find the perfect career is to give up the notion that you will ever find it, stumble across it, or that it will somehow magically find you, and to get to work designing it  (Career Quotes) I know that I’ve been blessed in many ways, and I was fortunate enough to travel the world and meet a lot of interesting people. But I never felt that the modeling career was all that important  (Career Quotes) We can’t negate television. Unfortunately, I do feel in many ways that it did kill my movie career. It did do that. But would I not do it again? Do I have any regrets about doing it? No  (Career Quotes) I played a long time, had a great career up to this point, and can walk away with my head as high as anyone else  (Career Quotes) There are two types of politicians: The ones that are courageous and honest, and the ones that have a steep career  (Career Quotes) A man finds he has been wrong at every preceding stage of his career, only to deduce the astonishing conclusion that he is at last entirely right  (Career Quotes) Some idea of inflation comes from seeing a youngster get his first job at a salary you dreamed of as the culmination of your career  (Career Quotes) The sun, declined, was hastening now with prone career to the ocean isles, and in the ascending scale of heaven the stars that usher evening rose  (Career Quotes) In the career of female fame, there are few prizes to tie obtained which can vie with the obscure state of a beloved wife or a happy mother  (Career Quotes) Still though the headlong cavalier, over rough and smooth, in wild career, seems racing with the wind; his sad companion, ghastly pale, and darksome as a widow’s veil, care keeps her seat behind  (Career Quotes) Woman’s sexuality is disruptive of the dully mechanical workaday world, in which efficiency means uniformity. The problems of woman’s entrance into the career system spring from more than male chauvinism. She brings nature into the social realm, which may be too small to contain it  (Career Quotes) It so happened that my goals kind of matched my career progression toward becoming an astronaut  (Career Quotes)
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