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One could make money and get a career going with a low - budget horror film about killers attacking on holidays. It is always flattering to have somebody copy you  (Career Quotes) I was just going at this career - boom, boom, boom! Then all of a sudden, at 38, Oh, my God - I forgot to get married!  (Career Quotes) I’ve tried to move on with my life and my career for the last two years and do my own thing, and ‘American Idol’ and FOX, they’ve just been making it really tough for me to do that  (Career Quotes) One day after laying a wreath at the tomb of Martin Luther King Jr., President Bush appoints a federal judge who has built his career around dismantling Dr. King’s legacy  (Career Quotes) I didn’t spend a whole lot of time here, but I had the seven best years of my career in this city and having an attachment here 20-some odd years later is pretty special to me  (Career Quotes) High School Musical is definitely the best thing that’s happened to my career and I walked away with great friends from it  (Career Quotes) Don’t try to start a career in LA, unless money is all you’re interested in  (Career Quotes) There are many exceptions, but New York is a great place to start a career  (Career Quotes) For the amount of talent I had (and I couldn’t dance, act, or tell a joke) I enjoyed a tremendous career  (Career Quotes) My career is pretty much over. I’m out in the Valley eating soft-boiled eggs  (Career Quotes) I lost three times in my career. Losing to Holmes I could deal with, because I lost to a true champion  (Career Quotes) Making music is a wonderful way to spend your life, but do it for the love before a career. Enjoy it  (Career Quotes) I guess I will probably produce a little bit more. For me it’s a career, you create as you go along and you can’t worry about always being on top  (Career Quotes) I’ve never known a situation in my career where a terrible script turned into a movie that was out of this world or was a success  (Career Quotes) Music should be an integral part of one’s life, but how one is able to access it or use it as a career vehicle will always remain in question  (Career Quotes) I wouldn’t count it out, but right now I feel like my career is still just starting. The best years are yet to come  (Career Quotes) I’m really loving acting. I want this as a career. I’ll still write music and collaborate with people, but I’m focused on the acting path  (Career Quotes) I’ve done a lot of independent travelling, which hasn’t been the best career choice, but it’s been a really great life choice  (Career Quotes) I’m almost 40, so it’s an awkward time in my career. You kind of hope it comes through and, if not, I’ll be a waiter. Awesome  (Career Quotes) Being Jewish and having lost relatives in the Holocaust, I’ve always been aware of the meaning of prejudice. These are things that have remained with me throughout my political career  (Career Quotes) I consider myself lucky to have had wonderful teachers. They expose you to a lot and basically teach you how to paint. I think of my career as a series of lucky incidents  (Career Quotes) Looking back on my own career, I’ve come to the conclusion that too much money is worse than too little  (Career Quotes) A great teacher once taught me that you’ve got to have faith that everything happens for the best. I have had many setbacks in my career and every setback has led me that much further into my truth  (Career Quotes) I’ve been singing my whole life, since I was a kid; but never formally as a career. I did it in plays when I was younger, and I sang all styles of music: everything from Italian opera to blues  (Career Quotes) When I was writing songs, I always thought I’d make more of a career out of the drawings, the comics even more than the music  (Career Quotes) As I have been paving my career as a filmmaker my parents have been there for me every step of the way. They have believed in my dreams despite how steep the mountain has been  (Career Quotes) I’m taking the indie filmmaker’s approach to building my career and that approach is developing a relationship with the fans  (Career Quotes) If you’re on to something but you start repeating it, that’s the end of your career  (Career Quotes) If you’re going to be an artist, you have to create music that moves you, and to not try to fit in so much with what’s happening around you. It’s a career choice  (Career Quotes) Education opens the door to everything in terms of having a career and an impact on society and not being a slave to your job, really  (Career Quotes)
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