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Caregiving Quotes

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Caregiving often calls us to lean into love we didn’t know possible  (Caregiving Quotes) Thus, just as animals of many species, including man, are disposed to respond with fear to sudden movement or a marked change in level of sound or light because to do so has a survival value, so are many species, including man, disposed to respond to separation from a potentially caregiving figure and for the same reasons  (Caregiving Quotes) Caregiving has no second agendas or hidden motives. The care is given from love for the joy of giving without expectation, no strings attached  (Caregiving Quotes) Caregiving requires the intention of love, caretaking requires the intention of fear. Not acting in anger when you are angry requires the intention of love  (Caregiving Quotes) The deepest change begins with men raising children as much as women do and women being equal actors in the world outside the home. There are many ways of supporting that, from something as simple as paid sick leave and flexible work hours to attributing an economic value to all caregiving and making that amount tax deductible.  (Caregiving Quotes) When I started caregiving, I was not on very firm ground. My first marriage had dissolved. I was working at an ice-cream stand in my thirties. I learned that when you don’t have anything to give, that’s when you really give, and then you get back so much more.  (Caregiving Quotes)