Carl Jung Quotes

Text Quotes
I think it is better for all people to live on, to look forward to the next stage (after death), as if he had to spend centuries, then he lives properly... looking forward to the great adventure ahead, then he lives! (Carl Jung Quotes)
I cannot prove to you that God exists, but my work has proved empirically that the pattern of God exists in every man and that this pattern in the individual has at its disposal the greatest transforming energies of which life is capable. Find this pattern in your own individual self and life is transformed (Carl Jung Quotes)
Fortunately, in her kindness and patience, Nature has never put the fatal question as to the meaning of their lives into the mouths of most people. And where no one asks, no one needs to answer (Carl Jung Quotes)
My interests drew me in different directions. On the one hand I was powerfully attracted by science, with its truths based on facts; on the other hand I was fascinated by everything to do with comparative religion. [...] In science I missed the factor of meaning; and in religion, that of empiricism (Carl Jung Quotes)
Modern man may assert that he can dispense with them, and he may bolster his opinion by insisting that there is no scientific evidence of their truth. But since we are dealing with invisible and unknowable things (for God is beyond human understanding, and there is no mean of proving immortality), why should we bother with evidence? (Carl Jung Quotes)
The need for mythic statements is satisfied when we frame a view of the world which adequately explains the meaning of human existence in the cosmos, a view which springs from our psychic wholeness, from the co-operation between conscious and unconscious. Meaninglessness inhibits fullness of life and is therefore equivalent to illness. Meaning makes a great many things endurable - perhaps everything (Carl Jung Quotes)
Archetypes resemble the beds of rivers: dried up because the water has deserted them, though it may return at any time. An archetype is something like an old watercourse along which the water of life flowed for a time, digging a deep channel for itself. The longer it flowed the deeper the channel, and the more likely it is that sooner or later the water will return (Carl Jung Quotes)
Most of our difficulties come from losing contact with our instincts, with the age-old forgotten wisdom stored up in us. (Carl Jung Quotes)
A residual sea of symbols which is shared by all mankind, usually accessed through dreams or altered states, and from which cultures draw images on which to found their religions. (Carl Jung Quotes)
A book of mine is always a matter of fate. There is something unpredictable about the process of writing, and I cannot prescribe for myself any predetermined course. (Carl Jung Quotes)
We are in a far better position to observe instincts in animals or in primitives than in ourselves. This is due to the fact that we have grown accustomed to scrutinizing our own actions and to seeking rational explanations for them. (Carl Jung Quotes)
The answer to human life is not to be found within the limits of human life (Carl Jung Quotes)
I have frequently seen people become neurotic when they content themselves with inadequate or wrong answers to the questions of life. (Carl Jung Quotes)
A man’s hatred is always concentrated upon that which makes him conscious of his bad qualities (Carl Jung Quotes)
But the meaning of life is not . . . explained by one’s business life, nor is the deep desire of the human heart answered by a bank account. (Carl Jung Quotes)
Every civilized human being, whatever his conscious development, is still an archaic man at the deeper levels of his psyche. (Carl Jung Quotes)
The divine process of change manifests itself to our human understanding . . . as punishment, torment, death, and transfiguration. (Carl Jung Quotes)
In the child, consciousness rises out of the depths of unconscious psychic life, at first like separate islands, which gradually unite to form a ‘continent,’ a continuous landmass of consciousness. Progressive mental development means, in effect, extension of consciousness. (Carl Jung Quotes)
The collective unconscious contains the whole spiritual heritage of mankind’s evolution born anew in the brain structure of every individual. (Carl Jung Quotes)
The collective unconscious consists of the sum of the instincts and their correlates, the archetypes. Just as everybody possesses instincts, so he also possesses a stock of archetypal images. (Carl Jung Quotes)
We shall probably get nearest to the truth if we think of the conscious and personal psyche as resting upon the broad basis of an inherited and universal psychic disposition which is as such unconscious, and that our personal psyche bears the same relation to the collective psyche as the individual to society. (Carl Jung Quotes)
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. (Carl Jung Quotes)
The growth of the mind is the widening of the range of consciousness, and...each step forward has been a most painful and laborious achievement. (Carl Jung Quotes)
The creative person is overpowered, captive of and driven by a demon... They become our legendary heroes. (Carl Jung Quotes)
Dreams are the guiding words of the soul. Why should I henceforth not love my dreams and not make their riddling images into objects of my daily consideration? (Carl Jung Quotes)
Everyone you meet knows something you don’t know but need to know. Learn from them. (Carl Jung Quotes)
Much of the evil in the world is due to the fact that man in general is hopelessly unconscious (Carl Jung Quotes)
We deem those happy who from the experience of life have learnt to bear its ills without being overcome by them. (Carl Jung Quotes)
Anyone who wants to know the human psyche will learn next to nothing from experimental psychology. He would be better advised to abandon exact science, put away his scholar’s gown, bid farewell to his study, and wander with human heart through the world. (Carl Jung Quotes)
The self is our life’s goal, for it is the completest expression of that fateful combination we call individuality. (Carl Jung Quotes)