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Carl Sandburg Quotes

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Arithmetic is where numbers fly like pigeons in and out of your head  (Carl Sandburg Quotes) What is there more of in the world than anything else? Ends  (Carl Sandburg Quotes) Hope is an echo, hope ties itself yonder, yonder  (Carl Sandburg Quotes) An expert is a damn fool a long way from home  (Carl Sandburg Quotes) It is the business of little minds to shrink  (Carl Sandburg Quotes) We live in the time of the colossal upright oblong  (Carl Sandburg Quotes) Revolt and terror pay a price. Order and law have a cost  (Carl Sandburg Quotes) God, let me remember all good losers  (Carl Sandburg Quotes) The past is a bucket of ashes  (Carl Sandburg Quotes) After the sunset on the prairie, there are only the stars  (Carl Sandburg Quotes) The fog comes on little cat feet  (Carl Sandburg Quotes) Time is the coin of our live. We must take care how we spend it  (Carl Sandburg Quotes) The dead hold in their hands only what they have given away  (Carl Sandburg Quotes) There is no song to your singing  (Carl Sandburg Quotes) There is an eagle in me that wants to soar  (Carl Sandburg Quotes) I cried over beautiful things, knowing no beautiful thing lasts  (Carl Sandburg Quotes) There are people who want to be everywhere at once, and they get nowhere  (Carl Sandburg Quotes) The shovel is the brother to the gun  (Carl Sandburg Quotes) I’m either going to be a writer or a bum  (Carl Sandburg Quotes) I tell you the past is a bucket of ashes  (Carl Sandburg Quotes) Men of ideas vanish first when freedom vanishes  (Carl Sandburg Quotes) The peace of great books be for you, Stains of pressed clover leaves on pages, Bleach of the light of years held in leather  (Carl Sandburg Quotes) Where was I going? I puzzled and wondered about it til I actually enjoyed the puzzlement and wondering  (Carl Sandburg Quotes) I had taken a course in Ethics. I read a thick textbook, heard the class discussions and came out of it saying I hadn’t learned a thing I didn’t know before about morals and what is right or wrong in human conduct  (Carl Sandburg Quotes) I took to wearing a black tie known as the Ascot, with long drooping ends. I had seen pictures of painters, sculptors, poets, wearing this style of tie  (Carl Sandburg Quotes) I wrote poems in my corner of the Brooks Street station. I sent them to two editors who rejected them right off. I read those letters of rejection years later and I agreed with those editors  (Carl Sandburg Quotes) In the average newspaper there is not a complete suppression of stories that the sacred cows don’t want printed. But rather what happens is that the stories get printed with stresses, colorations and emphasis that favor the sacred cows  (Carl Sandburg Quotes) Give me hunger, pain and want, Shut me out with shame and failure From your doors of gold and fame, Give me your shabbiest, weariest hunger! But leave me a little love  (Carl Sandburg Quotes) Shakespeare, Leonardo da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin and Abraham Lincoln never saw a movie, heard a radio or looked at television. They had ‘Loneliness’ and knew what to do with it. They were not afraid of being lonely because they knew that was when the creative mood in them would work  (Carl Sandburg Quotes) The single clenched fist lifted and ready, Or the open asking hand held out and waiting. Choose: For we meet by one or the other  (Carl Sandburg Quotes)
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