Carroll Quigley Quotes
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Text Quotes
Persons, personalities if you wish, can only be made in communities (Carroll Quigley Quotes)
The traditional Christian attitude toward human personality was that human nature was essentially good and that it was formed and modified by social pressures and training. (Carroll Quigley Quotes)
The traditional Christian attitude toward human personality was that human nature was essentially good and that it was formed and modified by social pressures and training (Carroll Quigley Quotes)
Bolshevism presented itself as an economic threat to themselves at the same time that Nazism presented itself as a political threat to their countries (Carroll Quigley Quotes)
By the winter of 1945-1946, the Russian peoples were being warned of the dangers from the West (Carroll Quigley Quotes)
In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so (Carroll Quigley Quotes)
It is this power structure which the Radical Right in the United States has been attacking for years in the belief that they are attacking the Communists (Carroll Quigley Quotes)
Once again the mastermind was Lionel Curtis, and the earlier Round Table Groups and Institutes of International Affairs were used as nuclei for the new network (Carroll Quigley Quotes)
The failure of Christianity in the areas west from Sicily was even greater, and was increased by the spread of Arab outlooks and influence to that area, and especially to Spain (Carroll Quigley Quotes)
There were people who said the Society of Cincinnati in the American revolution, of which George Washington was one of the shining lights, was a branch of the Illuminati (Carroll Quigley Quotes)
To this day the Arab influence is evident in southern Italy, northern Africa and, above all, in Spain (Carroll Quigley Quotes)
The backwardness of our religious and social developments is undoubtedly holding back the development of the intellectual and political levels (Carroll Quigley Quotes)
Hitler’s economic revolution in Germany had reduced financial considerations to a point where they played no role in economic or political decisions (Carroll Quigley Quotes)
For the first time in its history, Western Civilization is in danger of being destroyed internally by a corrupt, criminal ruling cabal which is centered around the Rockefeller interests, which include elements from the Morgan, Brown, Rothschild, Du Pont, Harriman, Kuhn-Loeb, and other groupings as well. This junta took control of the political, financial, and cultural life of America in the first two decades of the twentieth century (Carroll Quigley Quotes)
I am now quite sure that Tragedy and Hope was suppressed although I do not know why or by whom (Carroll Quigley Quotes)
No slave system has ever been able to continue to function on the slaves provided by its own biological reproduction because the rate of human reproduction is too slow and the expense from infant mortality and years of unproductive upkeep of the young make this prohibitively expensive. This relationship is one of the basic causes of the American Civil War, and was even more significant in destroying ancient Rome (Carroll Quigley Quotes)
To know is not too demanding: it merely requires memory and time. But to understand is quite a different matter: it requires intellectual ability and training, a self conscious awareness of what one is doing, experience in techniques of analysis and synthesis, and above all, perspective (Carroll Quigley Quotes)
There were people who said the Society of Cincinnati in the American revolution, of which George Washington was one of the shining lights, was a branch of the Illuminati. (Carroll Quigley Quotes)
The Council on Foreign Relations is the American branch of a society which originated in England ... [and] ... believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established. (Carroll Quigley Quotes)
Each individual in a society is a nexus where innumerable relationships of this character intersect (Carroll Quigley Quotes)
Another aspect of the nineteenth century propaganda system is the increasing emphasis upon material desires (Carroll Quigley Quotes)
Men have social needs. They have a need for other people; they have a need to love and be loved (Carroll Quigley Quotes)
In its final stages the civilization becomes a dualism of almost totalitarian imperial power and an amorphous mass culture of atomized individuals (Carroll Quigley Quotes)
... Empires and civilizations do not collapse because of deficiencies on the military or the political levels (Carroll Quigley Quotes)
Our society has so cluttered our lives with artifacts... And organizational structures that moment to moment relationships with nature are almost impossible (Carroll Quigley Quotes)
The social sciences are usually concerned with groups of persons rather than individual persons. The behavior of individuals, being free, is unpredictable (Carroll Quigley Quotes)
The history of the last century shows, as we shall see later, that the advice given to governments by bankers, like the advice they gave to industrialists, was consistently good for bankers, but was often disastrous for governments, businessmen, and the people generally (Carroll Quigley Quotes)
This persistence as private firms continued because it ensured the maximum of anonymity and secrecy to persons of tremendous public power who dreaded public knowledge of their activities as an evil almost as great as inflation (Carroll Quigley Quotes)
Thus, the use of fiat money is more justifiable in financing a depression than in financing a war (Carroll Quigley Quotes)
When the business interests... pushed through the first installment of civil service reform in 1883, they expected that they would be able to control both political parties equally (Carroll Quigley Quotes)
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