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Carte Quotes

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In the studio you have pretty much carte blanche with whatever you’re doing. You can turn natural instruments into electronic instruments  (Carte Quotes) On my first date, my boyfriend asked me if I wanted to eat a la carte, and I said that I would prefer to stay inside!  (Carte Quotes) Comedians have a huge carte blanche and the ability to get away with saying a lot of things  (Carte Quotes) You cannot give the vice president the authority to declassify specific information and then turn around and say he can just give carte blanche to an assistant of his to declassify whatever he wants  (Carte Quotes) I cannot conceive how any man can have brought himself to that pitch of presumption, to consider his country as nothing but carte blanche, upon which he may scribble whatever he pleases  (Carte Quotes) In French literature, you can choose a la carte; in Spanish literature, there is only the set meal  (Carte Quotes) A miracle worker who can do more with less, pacify rival groups, endure chronic second guessing, tolerate low levels of support, process large volumes of paper, and work double shifts. He or she will have carte blanche to innovate, but cannot spend much money, replace any personnel, or upset any constituency  (Carte Quotes) Typically, when you look for role models, you want someone who has your interests and came from the same background. Well, look how restricting that is. What people should do is take role models a la carte. If there’s someone whose character you appreciated, you respect that trait.  (Carte Quotes) If you want to make computers that really work, create a design team composed only of healthy, active women with lots else to do in their lives, and give them carte blanche.  (Carte Quotes)