Case Quotes

Text Quotes
Success is no proof of virtue. In the case of a book, quick acclaim is presumptive evidence of a lack of substance and originality (Case Quotes)
Our riches, being in our brains, die with us... Unless of course someone chops off our head, in which case, we won’t need them anyway (Case Quotes)
The process of falling in love at first sight is as final as it is swift in such a case, but the growth of true friendship may be a lifelong affair (Case Quotes)
I do love you. I think you know that, but just in case... I love you (Case Quotes)
I can’t think of a case where poems changed the world, but what they do is they change people’s understanding of what’s going on in the world (Case Quotes)
In any case, it’s the cowardice of people like you who give dictators the chance to install themselves! (Case Quotes)
The hardest thing usually to leave behind, as was the case now, can loosely be called the conscience (Case Quotes)
I considered the case and realized that if something can exist in opinion without existing in reality, or exist in reality without existing in opinion, the conclusion is that of the two parallel lives, only opinion is necessary – not reality, which is only a secondary consideration (Case Quotes)
Each of us is born with a box of matches inside us but we can’t strike them all by ourselves; just as in the experiment, we need oxygen and a candle to help. In this case, the oxygen, for example, would come from the breath of the person you love; the candle could be any kind of food, music, caress, word, or sound that engenders the explosion that lights one of the matches (Case Quotes)
The inmost spirit of poetry, in other words, is at bottom, in every recorded case, the voice of pain – and the physical body, so to speak, of poetry, is the treatment by which the poet tries to reconcile that pain with the world (Case Quotes)
Humanity is not perfect in any fashion; no more in the case of evil than in that of good. The criminal has his virtues, just as the honest man has his weaknesses (Case Quotes)
Let’s face it. We’re undone by each other. And if we’re not, we’re missing something. If this seems so clearly the case with grief, it is only because it was already the case with desire. One does not always stay intact (Case Quotes)
Kingsley watched her disappear from the room, wondering if his heart would break. Logic informed him that of course it would not. The heart was no more than a muscle, a pump which distributed blood about the body; it had nothing whatsoever to do with a man’s emotions. But if that was the case, why did it ache so? (Case Quotes)
Is it not the case that many a life journey starts out in the opposite direction to its destiny? (Case Quotes)
The story of terrorism is written by the state and it is therefore highly instructive… compared with terrorism, everything else must be acceptable, or in any case more rational and democratic (Case Quotes)
I stroke her lightly, memorizing her body. I want her to melt into me, like butter on toast. I want to absorb her and walk around for the rest of my days with her encased in my skin. I lie motionless, savoring the feeling of her body against mine. I’m afraid to breathe in case I break the spell (Case Quotes)
I’m going to marry you. I thought you’d like to know in case you wanted to buy a dress or something (Case Quotes)
Janie blinks and leans against the wall, just in case. But it’s no one’s dream. It’s just the end of some things. And the beginning of others (Case Quotes)
I just know that any time I undertake a case, I’m apt to run into some kind of a trap (Case Quotes)
He was himself a case in point, and perhaps not a rare one, for his spirit, it seemed, had been burned out of him but he was yet walking (Case Quotes)
For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the courage to start all over again (Case Quotes)
In order to induce the process of decay, water is necessary. I think that, in the case of women, men are the water (Case Quotes)
At that moment I had a thrilling sharp intuition. I knew it as if I held it in my hands: In the gloom of death that surrounded the two of us, we were just at the point of approaching and negotiating a gentle curve. If we bypassed it, we would split off into different directions. In that case, we would forever remain just friends (Case Quotes)
To know who I am is a species of knowing where I stand. My identity is defined by the commitments and identifications which provide the frame or horizon within which I can try to determine from case to case what is good, or valuable, or what ought to be done, or what I endorse or oppose. In other words, it is the horizon within which I am capable of taking a stand (Case Quotes)
Be hated. One does not have to be evil to be hated. In fact, it’s often the case that one is hated precisely because one is trying to do right by one’s own convictions. It is far too easy to be liked, one merely has to be accommodating and hold no strong convictions. Then one will gravitate towards the centre and settle into the average. That cannot be your role. There are a great many bad people in the world, and if you are not offending them, you must be bad yourself (Case Quotes)
I don’t know. I just feel stuck, like I’m afraid to take any steps, in case they’re the wrong ones (Case Quotes)
I don’t want to go into a fridge at an undertaker’s. I want you to keep me at home until the funeral. Please can someone sit with me in case I get lonely? I promise not to scare you (Case Quotes)
Now, you may think that this is some sort of generalized hatred that I will carry for the lot of you. Let me assure you that this is not the case. Each of you will fail, but you will fail in your own unique way, and therefore I will dislike each of you on an individual basis (Case Quotes)
To try to reform all the power structures at once would leave us with no power structure to use in our project. In any case, we will be able to see that absolute moral renewal could be attempted only by an absolute power and that a tyrannous force such as this must destroy the whole moral life of man, not renew it (Case Quotes)
My political position springs from my being a novelist. In so far as I am concerned, politics and the novel are an indivisible case and I can categorically state that I became politically committed because I am a novelist, not the opposite (Case Quotes)