Case Quotes

Text Quotes
It is precisely because the issue raised by this case touches the heart of what makes individuals what they are that we should be especially sensitive to the rights of those whose choices upset the majority (Case Quotes)
Whatever happened to a sense of idealism and embracing an idea that will help people and, in this case, children? (Case Quotes)
If it’s fast, no I don’t have enough piano technique. In that case, it’s probably been done on some kind of synthesizer or sequencer. Then the score can then be printed out and so forth (Case Quotes)
In any case, ives encouraged me to go into music even though he himself had such a hard time being a composer (Case Quotes)
I directed the men in our barque to approach near the savages, and hold their arms in readiness to do their duty in case they notice any movement of these people against us (Case Quotes)
The market tends to pay as a wage what an individual laborer is worth. But the case last studied suggests the question how accurately the law operates in practice. May it not be an honest law, but be so vitiated in its working as to give a dishonest result? (Case Quotes)
Luckily, in my case, I have managed, by writing, to do the one thing that I always wanted to do (Case Quotes)
The judge decided in this case that both the state and the defense would have the opportunity to respond to certain kinds of press. This is one such instance (Case Quotes)
It will be difficult to let go but it is going to happen sooner rather than later in my case (Case Quotes)
I was on the sideline with a knee injury and when I came back, I wanted to play at the best level I could. and that’s the case for a lot of players, they want the chance to play against the best competition (Case Quotes)
And our size: The company this year is going to be close to $50 billion, so if that’s the case and you can continue to grow that fast, I would rather put my energies to solving customer problems and growing our business than worrying about integrating and laying people off (Case Quotes)
In case of separation, why should the children be taken from the protecting care of the mother? Who has a better right to them than she? How much do fathers generally do toward bringing them up? (Case Quotes)
If you have a major disaster involving hundreds of thousands, or in this case millions of people, whether it be a natural disaster or an act of terrorism, the first 72 hours are going to be totally chaotic no matter what you plan to do (Case Quotes)
Whitney wanted to eradicate the idea that in the case of a language we are dealing with a natural faculty; in fact, social institutions stand opposed to natural institutions (Case Quotes)
I know it is a somewhat delicate matter to refuse a gift, but in this case the statue is so atrocious that every endeavour should be made to keep it out of the church (Case Quotes)
Crime is actually less in places where people own guns. Washington, d. C., is a case in point. It has the strictest gun laws, but who has the highest crime rate in the country? Washington, d. C (Case Quotes)
In my case, I think people are surprised that I’m doing exactly what I said I was going to do when I ran, because that’s not the typical politician (Case Quotes)
In my case, the listener is often in an automobile driving to work. You can concentrate on the road while still getting an audio message that can be riveting (Case Quotes)
Why, in such a case, should the performer essay any sort of considered approach at all? (Case Quotes)
Now we are showing to the world that this fighting against two terrorist groups was feasible and now we have an isolated case which doesn’t mean that terrorism is alive, as it was before (Case Quotes)
I personally believe that there’s going to be a good case for the government preserving some type of guarantee to make sure that people have the ability to borrow to finance a house even in a very damaging recession. I think there’s going to be a good case for that (Case Quotes)
I have fully cooperated with the investigation and before the grand jury, and I’m quite confident at the end of the day that we’ll know what facts are in this particular case (Case Quotes)
Those are just some of the people whom we interviewed in the documentary, but that should provide you with a good sense of the credibility of the individuals who bolster the case that this administration lied us into a war (Case Quotes)
And so, in case we have contingencies and things that we cannot accomplish within the duration of the space walk, we have a buffer, I mean, in order to be able to complete the... What we want to accomplish (Case Quotes)
I’m not trying to get back on a team, but I have tried to stay in shape just in case a team needs a point guard. A championship team. I wouldn’t go to any other team (Case Quotes)
However, further research has shown that it is the normal condition for humans and for most other mammals. It seems pretty clear why this is the case for most mammals and for most human beings (Case Quotes)
Heat can also be produced by the impact of imperfectly elastic bodies as well as by friction. This is the case, for instance, when we produce fire by striking flint against steel, or when an iron bar is worked for some time by powerful blows of the hammer (Case Quotes)
In reading the scriptures of truth, we often put wrong constructions upon them, and apply them improperly; and I apprehend it has often been the case in relation to this portion, particularly that part in relation to man’s seeking out many inventions (Case Quotes)
I’ve talked to law enforcement officials at the state and local level who say that violence against women is going up. In any case, we think that it’s an important issue whether it’s going up or not. and we are determined to stop it (Case Quotes)
In any case, fighting will not settle whether the claims were just or unjust. It will only settle which nation can mobilize and handle its fighting forces and its economic forces the better (Case Quotes)