Case Quotes

Text Quotes
Dealing with a simple burglary can require 1000 process steps and 70 forms to be completed as a case goes through the Criminal Justice System. That can’t be righ (Case Quotes)
I mean, The New York Times actually had an interesting case recently where they described a detainee who was afraid of the dark, and so he was purposely kept very much in the dark (Case Quotes)
We all know the Navy is never wrong, but in this case it was a little weak on being right (Case Quotes)
Learn to know every man under you, get under his skin, know his faults. Then cater to him - with kindness or roughness as his case may demand (Case Quotes)
We were disliked by the press in the early days because they couldn’t put their finger on us, and that was the case with Zeppelin as well (Case Quotes)
He wants to live on through something - and in his case, his masterpiece is his son. All of us want that, and it gets more poignant as we get more anonymous in this world (Case Quotes)
I got the chance to argue my first case in Supreme Court, a criminal case arising in Alabama that involved the right of a defendant to counsel at a critical stage in a capital case before a trial (Case Quotes)
In London, people can be so... Well, it’s not even a case of people being unkind or unfriendly. You just don’t make any contact in London. You go from A to B with your eyes on the pavement (Case Quotes)
We were fortunate to have the Russians as our childhood enemies. We practiced hiding under our desks in case they had the temerity to drop a nuclear weapon (Case Quotes)
Sometimes Aristotle analyses his terms, but very often he takes them for granted; and in the latter case, I think, he is sometimes deceived by them (Case Quotes)
A Lawyer will do anything to win a case, sometimes he will even tell the truth (Case Quotes)
I brought this case because I am an atheist and this offends me, and I have the right to bring up my daughter without God being imposed into her life by her schoolteachers (Case Quotes)
For it is, and must remain, the case that we must obey God rather than man (Case Quotes)
In 1972 I married again, to Elisabeth Case; she continues to be wife, companion, critic and editor: a partner in the projects and programs that we undertake (Case Quotes)
I always try hard to arrange all media in a way so that it expresses what I want - this is not limited to one medium alone and varies from case to case (Case Quotes)
The mecca of filmmaking in the world just so happens to be in America. It’s quite simply a case of us just going where the work is (Case Quotes)
Show me a genuine case of platonic friendship, and I shall show you two old or homely faces (Case Quotes)
We were in all four men with eight animals; for besides the spare horses led by Shaw and myself, an additional mule was driven along with us as a reserve in case of accident (Case Quotes)
But, you know, all I can do is submit my budget and then make the case to the Legislature to act (Case Quotes)
I think that what we’ve been able to do is put together both a good group of scholars and analysts and people who aggressively want to make the case to the American public (Case Quotes)
There are few cases in which mere popularity should be considered a proper test of merit; but the case of song-writing is, I think, one of the few (Case Quotes)
Here we have a situation where a defendant in a case agrees to an interview with Dan Rather. It happened to be not confidential. But it was an interview with Dan Rather (Case Quotes)
A judge can’t have any preferred outcome in any particular case. The judge’s only obligation - and it’s a solemn obligation - is to the rule of law (Case Quotes)
When I finally put my guitar in the case the last time, I want to be remembered just as a singer, not as a country singer or pops singer - just a singer (Case Quotes)
Why is Slavery so much condemn’d and strove against in one Case, and so highly applauded and held so necessary and so sacred in another (Case Quotes)
I am most thankful to Almighty Providence for mercies received, and determined still to press the case into public notice as a token of gratitude (Case Quotes)
To achieve some depth in your field requires a lot of sacrifices. Want to or not, you’re thinking about what you’re doing in life-in my case, dancing (Case Quotes)
Gentlemen, I find the law very explicit on murdering your fellow man, but there’s nothing here about killing a Chinaman. Case dismissed (Case Quotes)
Almost all my middle-aged and elderly acquaintances, including me, feel about 25, unless we haven’t had our coffee, in which case we feel 107 (Case Quotes)
I was deposed in association with a case involving the Golden Venture, a ship which smuggled Chinese aliens into the United States about eight or nine ago (Case Quotes)