Case Quotes

Text Quotes
I originally wanted to embrace the imagery and forthrightness of rap music. There are some interesting, dynamic voices in rap. But I find most of it irresponsible in its overt violence and commercialization of anger. As artists, we believe we can will action through language. If that’s the case, we have to take responsibility for what we say. (Case Quotes)
We are taught to believe it’s bad to be angry, or at least it’s not good. That’s not the case all throughout the world. People are more open and not embarrassed about it. For instance in Paris, people believe Americans have a really unhealthy relation with anger. They think it’s essential to get angry. (Case Quotes)
From the physical point of view, a man is nothing more than a system of cells, or from the mental point of view, than a system of representations; in either case, he differs only in degree from animals. (Case Quotes)
The case for exploiting animals for food, clothing and entertainment often relies on our superior intelligence, language and self-awareness: the rights of the superior being trump those of the inferior. (Case Quotes)
We were in all four men with eight animals; for besides the spare horses led by Shaw and myself, an additional mule was driven along with us as a reserve in case of accident. (Case Quotes)
My live sound does not work in the studio, which is a completely different animal. Every little thing is detrimental to the sound. And if someone moves a mic, you’ve lost it. It’s pretty much a case of ‘lock the door and set up a police line.’ (Case Quotes)
Wonder if there is life on another planet? Let’s suppose there is. Suppose further, that only one star in a trillion has a planet that could support life. If that were the case, then there would be at least 100 million planets that harbored life. (Case Quotes)
Ronald Reagan was an anti-government, union-busting, race baiting, anti-abortion, anti-gay, anti-intellectual, who cut rich people’s taxes in half, had a incurable case of the military-industrial complex, and said Medicare was socialism that would destroy our freedom. [. . .] Both sides really should stop pretending he was something other than the man most responsible for our decline. (Case Quotes)
The Rosenberg case had been orchestrated to an anti-Communist frenzy that matched the exuberant hysteria of the Nazi horror. (Case Quotes)
My sermon on the meaning of the manna in the wilderness can be adapted to almost any occasion, joyful, or, as in the present case, distressing. [All sigh.] I have preached it at harvest celebrations, christenings, confirmations, on days of humiliation and festal days. (Case Quotes)
The most important thing in any relationship is not what you get but what you give.... In any case, the giving of love is an education in itself. (Case Quotes)
Because the problems are objective features of the human situation - social animals without the capacities for making social life come easily - ethics is objectively constrained. It’s not the case that anything goes. (Case Quotes)
If the United States commits to the goal of reaching Mars, it will almost certainly do so in reaction to the progress of other nations - as was the case with NASA, the Apollo program, and the project that became the International Space Station. (Case Quotes)
Booksellers are tied to publishing - they need conventional publishing models to continue - but for those companies, that’s not the case. Amazon is an infrastructure company; Apple sells hardware; Google is really an advertising company. You can’t afford as a publisher to have those companies control your route to market. (Case Quotes)
The ocean is the lifeblood of our world. If we were to lose our fish that we appreciate so much by overfishing; or if we were to lose some of our favorite beaches to overbuilding and pollution, then how would we feel? It’s become a case of not knowing what you’ve got until it’s gone. (Case Quotes)
When I was younger and women first started to get in public positions, in my case the law, we went through a period where we wore those little ribbon ties, little bows. We tried to figure out what was our appropriate dress. (Case Quotes)
You can win more arguments then you might think as a writer, even though you legally have no recourse, and your script can get muddied and altered in any way possible. You can use reason, logic, and passion to argue persuasively for a case in your favor. (Case Quotes)
It’s a tough case and the first time Reacher needs to recruit somebody to help him out. He uses a woman he knew in the army she’s a fascinating character. (Case Quotes)
In the case of the armies at Fredericksburg it would have been, to say the least, very hazardous to give counter-attack, the Federal position being about as strong as ours from which we had driven them back. (Case Quotes)
I don’t believe I’ll be in the new ‘Arrested Development’ unless they ask me, in which case, okay! That’s how easy I am to get. (Case Quotes)
I feel, as an adult, I’m very similar to how I was as a pre-teen. Maybe it’s a case of arrested development, but I feel like it’s easy to slip back into those shoes, and I feel like if we were all magically transported back to our middle school years, we’d all act like we did in middle school. (Case Quotes)
Just as writing can become calligraphy when it’s creatively, skillfully, and consciously performed, so can all other activities become art. In this case, we are reflecting upon life itself as an artistic statement-the art of living. (Case Quotes)
In my own personal life, God plays a great role in the risk, because I pray before I go into the operating room for every case, and I ask him to give me wisdom, to help me to know what to do - and not only for operating, but for everything. (Case Quotes)
Be an advocate for your loved ones in the hospital. Ask tough questions of your local hospital and health system about preparedness for the likeliest emergencies, and express your views on how medical resources should be allocated in case they ever fall short. (Case Quotes)
So long as peace is not attained by law (so argue the advocates of armaments) the military protection of a country must not be undermined, and until such is the case disarmament is impossible. (Case Quotes)
The truth is that most of your Facebook friends are too busy counting their own ‘likes’ to pay attention to you for more than a few seconds anyway. Unless you happen to be a kitten who’s in love with a baby goat, in which case you should hire a publicist immediately. (Case Quotes)
Commitment, belief and positive attitude are all important if you’re going to be a success, whether you’re in sports, in business or, as in my case, anthropology. (Case Quotes)
For me, I don’t participate in the filming when I represent a reality show star in a case, because that would mean waiving my right to attorney-client privilege, and that would hamper my ability to mount an effective case. (Case Quotes)
I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to be one of so many, to have not just parents and siblings but cousins and aunts and uncles, an entire tribe to claim as your own. Maybe you would feel lost in the crowd. Or sheltered by it. Whatever the case, one things was for sure: like it or not, you’d never be alone. (Case Quotes)
As far as I’m aware, everybody in the shadow cabinet accepts that there’s a compelling case on climate change and a strong scientific case. (Case Quotes)