Case Quotes

Text Quotes
Enron had already collapsed and filed for bankruptcy protection by the beginning of 2002. But despite complaints from short sellers that corporations had used accounting gimmickry to inflate their profits, many investors thought the crisis at Enron was an isolated case. (Case Quotes)
I don’t think there is any advantage to digital unless it’s in a case like Slumdog Millionaire, where you have to get a shot and a big bulky film camera is out of the question. (Case Quotes)
As film-makers, it is very important for us to find common ground between cultures, and maybe that’s less the case for politicians who benefit more from finding the conflicts and differences between us. (Case Quotes)
France has not only built a bureaucratic barrier against American culture, it has constructed a notorious intellectual case against it as well. The French spend hundreds of millions of dollars subsidizing film production, extend interest-free loans to designated filmmakers, and have placed quotas not only on imports but on television time. (Case Quotes)
The financial crisis was a classic case of the political class failing the American people. Twenty-five agencies were supposed to be minding the store during the financial crisis and every one of them was asleep at the switch. (Case Quotes)
Inventing sources is not a crime in and of itself, although it certainly violates every code of journalistic ethics known to man. A criminal fraud case would require that the reporter’s deceit had been malicious and resulted in financial gain. (Case Quotes)
For me, one of the lessons from 9/11 is that you have to give the organization context for how you’re acting, and you’ve got to communicate constantly, in this case particularly with all the changes that were occurring in the financial marketplace and in the economy. (Case Quotes)
Once you have really done all you can, then you can show it to people. But I find this is increasingly not the case with the younger people. They do a first draft and want somebody to finish it off for them with good advice. (Case Quotes)
We, as humans, have actually developed a sense of social responsibility. We have gone beyond our basic instincts. We can and we do. This is what sets us apart from the chimps. They are extremely brutal and hostile. Your next door neighbor is to be killed unless she is a juicy young female, who hasn’t yet had her first baby, in which case you want her. (Case Quotes)
First, you do a piece of material that begins and ends and has a flow; it’s not chopped up as in a film, where in an extreme case you might be doing the last scene of the script the first day that you go to work, and you don’t know enough about the character you’re playing. (Case Quotes)
In the mystifying world that was Victorian parenthood, obedience took precedence over all considerations of affection and happiness, and that odd, painful conviction remained the case in most well-heeled homes up until at least the time of the First World War. (Case Quotes)
Today it is evident that we have two political parties: the Tax and Spenders and the No-Tax and Spenders. Neither party is fiscally conservative. Is there no room at the inn for an honest conservative? A conservative who makes the case for smaller government on its merits and not just as the fallback option when fiscal bankruptcy threatens? (Case Quotes)
I think President Obama wanted to have the right fit for his different cabinet positions, and I believe that experience is what mattered most to him. In my case, I have been working to improve the overall quality of life for working families for most of my adult life, and I think that experience resonated with the president. (Case Quotes)
Regardless of what you’re searching, you ain’t gonna find it until you include God. Because, if you have a problem with women, drugs, or whatever the case may be, the only person that can fix that problem is God. (Case Quotes)
People would say, You know, Rich, it’s nature. Birds of a feather flock together. I have to point out to them that, no, that’s not the case. (Case Quotes)
It might come a time to not follow your passion, so to speak, although it must be prioritized. It may be the case that your passion will serve as the medic, your peace of mind, alongside a higher calling, with your higher calling being the point man. (Case Quotes)
It’s hard to think of a time when I’m not working, but when that is the case, I like to travel and eat good food. (Case Quotes)
It is clearly the case that programs in Europe and the United States that have increased biofuel production have contributed to the added demand for food. (Case Quotes)
Markets are, in the end, man-made devices for utilitarian purposes, not a force of nature that we should not try to resist. If they end up serving the interests of only a tiny minority, as is increasingly the case, we have the right - and indeed the duty - to regulate them in the interest of greater social good. (Case Quotes)
I am proud of the fact that the U.K. is an open trading country. I welcome inward investment such as that of Nissan, and the takeover of struggling British companies by foreign companies who turn them around, as in the case of Jaguar Land Rover. I also accept that job losses sometimes have to occur to restore failing companies to health. (Case Quotes)
Snowden grants that NSA employees by and large believe in their mission and trust the agency to handle the secrets it takes from ordinary people - deliberately, in the case of bulk records collection, and ‘incidentally,’ when the content of American phone calls and e-mails are swept into NSA systems along with foreign targets. (Case Quotes)
I type everything on my computer. I carry a writer’s notebook everywhere, in case I am struck by an idea. I forget things unless I write them down. I’m planning to learn how to dictate into my cellphone; I think that will be very helpful, too. (Case Quotes)
My writing is progressing slowly, but at least it’s moving forward. I’m sure that’s the case. The only problem is that I’m never absolutely certain that what I’ve written is any good. (Case Quotes)
Darwin found out that when you took horses up to the high country in the Middle East, they would then grow long hair after a season or two. But when you took them - these long-haired horses - back into the low, hot country, they wouldn’t get rid of the long hair, just in case, for about four generations. (Case Quotes)
I would not have gone to Philly if I really did not have my free agency right, if I did not have a case, period. (Case Quotes)
In order to secure our unlimited future, we need a leader who understands the moral case for free enterprise. (Case Quotes)
In case you’re unfamiliar with TED, it is a series of short lectures on a variety of subjects that stream on the Internet for free. (Case Quotes)
Mistaken ideas always end in bloodshed, but in every case it is someone else’s blood. This is why our thinkers feel free to say just about anything. (Case Quotes)
[I]n my own case at least I feel my professional need for freedom of speech and expression prejudices me toward a government whose constitution guarantees it. (Case Quotes)
In writing ‘William Shakespeare’s Star Wars,’ I had the freedom to go beyond the original script and add asides, soliloquys and even new scenes. The main characters all get a soliloquy or two - or in Luke’s case, several. (Case Quotes)