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Catchers Quotes

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The wind always seems to blow against catchers when they are running  (Catchers Quotes) A team of giants needs giant pitchers who throw good ideas but every pitcher needs an outstanding catcher. Without giant catchers, the ideas of the giant pitchers may eventually disappear  (Catchers Quotes) Like some cult religion that barely survives, there has always been at least one but rarely more than five or six devotees throwing the knuckleball in the big leagues... Not only can’t pitchers control it, hitters can’t hit it, catchers can’t catch it, coaches can’t coach it and most pitchers can’t learn it. The perfect pitch  (Catchers Quotes) I’m in love with dream catchers. I collect them from every trip I take  (Catchers Quotes) The great thing about catchers is that they do a lot of different things, and they’re basically overlooked  (Catchers Quotes) All backups take their cue from Elrod Hendricks, the patron saint of erstwhile catchers  (Catchers Quotes) Of course, I believe that Mike Piazza is probably the greatest offensive catcher in the history of baseball, only got over 50%. Johnny Bench is the best catcher in the history of baseball, but Piazza has all the record for catchers as far as offensively.  (Catchers Quotes)