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Catwoman Quotes

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Catwoman, so we meet again. So we do, Supergirl. It's me Phoebe  (Catwoman Quotes) Of course I adored and wanted to be Catwoman. That goes without saying  (Catwoman Quotes) I started writing songs when I was a little kid actually. I wrote a song about Catwoman and I wrote a song about Leprechauns, as a little kid  (Catwoman Quotes) Each Catwoman is specific to the Gotham City she lives in and the director that helps shape her. So it’s kind of hard to have a favorite and I’m not just being political, it’s hard to have a favorite because each one is so specific as themselves  (Catwoman Quotes) I thought, ‘I loved Batman, I loved Spider-Man, I love all these characters, but Catwoman is really different from any other one.’  (Catwoman Quotes) My fantasy football team got mixed up in another fantasy and now they’re stuck on a pirate ship with a chick in a Catwoman suit.  (Catwoman Quotes)