Ceaseless Quotes
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Text Quotes
The only currency that will heal every culture is ceaseless love (Ceaseless Quotes)
One of the ceaseless wonders of the world: The power of a smile (Ceaseless Quotes)
There is a ceaseless war against drunkenness and cruelty and vice (Ceaseless Quotes)
Time... thou ceaseless lackey to eternity (Ceaseless Quotes)
Time rolls his ceaseless course (Ceaseless Quotes)
Omnipotence is bought with ceaseless fear (Ceaseless Quotes)
Lonely people keep up a ceaseless flow of commentary on themselves (Ceaseless Quotes)
The affections are immortal! They are the sympathies which unite the ceaseless generations (Ceaseless Quotes)
Human society is a ceaseless growth, and unfoldment in terms of spirituality (Ceaseless Quotes)
The ceaseless labour of your life is to build the house of death (Ceaseless Quotes)
Success flourishes only in perseverance ceaseless, restless perseverance (Ceaseless Quotes)
You left, and my heart is a ceaseless sermon of loneliness (Ceaseless Quotes)
In the human heart there is a ceaseless birth of passions, so that the destruction of one is almost always the establishment of another (Ceaseless Quotes)
And girls need cold anger. They need the cold simmer, the ceaseless grudge, the talent to avoid forgiveness, the side stepping of compromise. They need to know when they say something that they will never back down, ever, ever (Ceaseless Quotes)
Everything you do is right, nothing you do is wrong, yet you must still make ceaseless effort (Ceaseless Quotes)
I have made a ceaseless effort not to ridicule, not to bewail, not to scorn human actions, but to understand them (Ceaseless Quotes)
If there is aught of good in the style, it is the result of ceaseless toil in rewriting. Everything comes out wrong with me at first; but when once objectified I can torture and poke and scrape and pat it till it offends me no more (Ceaseless Quotes)
All things are in the act of change; thou thyself in ceaseless transformation and partial decay, and the whole universe with thee (Ceaseless Quotes)
... knowledge must continually be renewed by ceaseless effort, if it is not to be lost. It resembles a statue of marble which stands in the desert and is continually threatened with burial by the shifting sand. The hands of service must ever be at work, in order that the marble continue to lastingly shine in the sun. To these serving hands mine shall also belong (Ceaseless Quotes)
No mother. Two small words, and yet within them lay a bottomless well of pain and loss, a ceaseless mourning for touches that were never received and words of wisdom that were never spoken. No single word was big enough to adequately describe the loss of your mother (Ceaseless Quotes)
From my mother came the idea that going down to the sea repaired the spirit. That is where she walked when she was sad or worried or lonely for my father. If she had been crying, she came back composed; if she had left angry with us, she returned in good humor. So we naturally believed that there was a cleansing, purifying effect to be had; that letting the fresh wind blow through you mind and spirits as well as your hair and clothing purged black thoughts; that contemplating the ceaseless motion of the waves calmed a raging spirit (Ceaseless Quotes)
The ceaseless rain is falling fast, and yonder gilded vane, immovable for three days past, points to the misty main (Ceaseless Quotes)
Travel is a ceaseless fount of surface education, but its wisdom will be simply superficial, if thou add not thoughts to things (Ceaseless Quotes)
If we are to be as a shining city upon a hill, it will be because of our ceaseless pursuit of the constitutional ideal of human dignity (Ceaseless Quotes)
The sharp experiences of belief in the supposititious life of matter, as well as our disappointments and ceaseless woes, turn us like tired children to the arms of divine Love (Ceaseless Quotes)
In a world of cell phones and satellite feeds - a world in which the president can sit in the White House situation room and watch a military action unfold on the other side of the world - it is not realistic to expect TV news to be anything but what it has become: a ceaseless flow of words and images that may or may not be accurate (Ceaseless Quotes)
The whole existence of man is a ceaseless duel between the forces of life and death (Ceaseless Quotes)
All I know of heaven and all I know of death is in this park: an elegant universe in ceaseless motion, teeming with ruined ruins and screaming children. (Ceaseless Quotes)
As an observer, I react to the realities of Israeli life with both envy and relief. Nobody wants to live under the threat of constant attack from enemies right next door, under ceaseless and often unfair international scrutiny, defending his homeland by day and living with the memories of mass genocide at night. (Ceaseless Quotes)
Grace is the offer of God’s ceaseless presence and irrational love that cannot be stopped (Ceaseless Quotes)
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